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Another Snake

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There is a thing called snake away, they sell it a home depot. I am pretty sure it is just moth balls relabeled. I have used this with TONS of success. We had a huge problem with snakes in a barn and we put a pile in the ceter of the barn and gave a few days for the snake to leave the barn and then we spread it around the outside of the barn and have not seen another snake in 3 years. We were finding 3-4 copperheads a day before we did that. We have not seen a copperhead on the property since, mainly because chasing them out of the barn took away the place they set up shop. I would line your yard with the snake away/moth balls and that should take care of things and alow you to hang out on the couch with little disruptions.

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Perhaps 'bands' was the wrong terminology to use. I'm aware of the coral snake / milk snake difference. What I was referring to was the coloration pattern on the rat snake for example. The Dark coloration patterns are wider on the back of the snake and narrow on the sides.

On snakes like the cottonmouth, its typically just the opposite from what I was told. The dark coloration patterns are wider on the side and narrow on the back.

Thats what I was wondering about whether it held enough truth to rely upon.

Since a cottonmouth can look almost solid gray or black, depending on time of year, environs, and lighting, I'd say clearly no. Copperheads may vary from vivid to subdued also.

Head shape is surely most reliable, since except for the coral snake, the pit viper triangular shape is quite distinct and consistent, at least for folks that don't panic at sight of any snake at all -- and don't want to get close enough to try and make out frigging shape of iris.

- OS

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Here it is only the beginning of April and I have already seen more snakes than all of last year on my property. Just this morning at the edge of my pond throwing out some catfish food, a monster five foot long water snake slithered 12" from my foot into the water. It's going to be a very bad year for ticks too.

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Guest ChadroG

Explain to her that the snake in questions is: A.... completely safe for humans; B....controls the vermin; C...is a good indication of dangerous snakes NOT being in the area, as this would be more competition than any animal wants. As far as being sure it's safe goes, the eye check tends to be true as well as the shape of the head, but the real test is the absence of "pit"s on it's head for sensing heat (thus pit viper). The pic shows your good, and so is she! Let it live man, or just take it and move it away from the house a mile or so. Plus, if you have a garden it will keep it clear!

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