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Guest 6.8 AR

Possibly from the last Big Crunch, which was the result of the previous Big Bang. There is a Cyclic Theory of the known universe such that even though the universe is still expanding, and even speeding up doing it, it may eventually slow, combine, and collapse back into a single singularity, and the cycle begins again.

- OS

You're about a hundred miles or so past me on the highway of knowledge. Never even heard of the Big Crunch.

Sounds like something made by Nestle's. :D

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Guest 6.8 AR

Morals change and it is the majority of people within the society that determines what is or is not moral. What may have been considered moral or immoral 50 years ago my be just the opposite now. People have their own reasons for their own morals or lack thereof. Whether it be religion, greed or just plain laziness it is what shapes them and how they live day to day. And it is those groups that determine what is moral within a society.

Take marriage. In our society a man who is 20 that marries a 15 year old is viewed as an immoral person. The exact same scenario is moral in another country where the majority feel it is moral. It is because their society feels it is moral for a 20 year old to marry a 15 year old. And it wasn't always considered immoral in our country, 150 years ago it was commonplace.

I think morals change when people see there are benefits to the change, nothing more and nothing less. People, by nature, are creatures of habit and like things to be easy. So people sho change their moral compass are not going to do it unless there is a benefit to them.


Morals also change through political ideology(communism hates religion, family, individuality, loves homosexuality loves

taking rights from individuals). What I'm saying is that there are forces among us that are trying(successully) to change

our outlook on moral behaviour. Read "Rules for Radicals" by Alinsky and snippets from the "Communist Manifesto"

and see how many things are stood upside down by an ideology.

No doubt there are customs that change over time, but there baseline principles for moral behaviour. We live them

everyday. And I'm not saying we are the role model, but we have our set to work with, like those on Figi Island have

theirs. All I'm saying is there are those who set out to change morals to achieve a certain goal. Political constructs

have a way of doing that. Look at Sharia Law. Most of us wouldn't survive that. If it were suddenly imposed on us,

there would be a nasty war, immediately.

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Was raised in church. Once saved always saved! Always enjoyed the music and still do.The people were nice and still are. No complaints with the people. About age 10 the theology started sounding like santa claus or the easter bunny. At first I felt guilty about having doubt. God would be mad at me for doubting. As years progressed it was more and more obvious malarky. I didn't just get up one day and decide not to believe it. The stories did not seem any way believable.

So finally made it to 17 and moved out of the folks house and haven't been to church since except weddings and funerals. I recall even age 6 thinking there was something vaguely creepy about worship services. I got over it for awhile but over the years it just kept getting more creepy and less tolerable.

You and I are pretty much in the same boat.

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Guest bkelm18

Possibly from the last Big Crunch, which was the result of the previous Big Bang. There is a Cyclic Theory of the known universe such that even though the universe is still expanding, and even speeding up doing it, it may eventually slow, combine, and collapse back into a single singularity, and the cycle begins again.

- OS

It's hard to say what will/has happened (obviously), but with the possibility (probability) of the existance of dark matter/dark energy, the "Big Chill" is another possibility. The universe just keeps expanding until it just runs out of energy and everything essentially freezes. Another is that a big bang is just the "ass end" of a black hole. When the black hole sucks in enough matter and compresses it down to its singularity, it explodes out the other side in a big bang, creating another universe. Lots of really interesting theories abound. Many of them conclude that this universe is not the only universe. Either we are in just one of a long chain of cycles, or there are several other universes that coexist with us. Very, very throught provoking.

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Guest profgunner

It's hard to say what will/has happened (obviously), but with the possibility (probability) of the existance of dark matter/dark energy, the "Big Chill" is another possibility. The universe just keeps expanding until it just runs out of energy and everything essentially freezes. Another is that a big bang is just the "ass end" of a black hole. When the black hole sucks in enough matter and compresses it down to its singularity, it explodes out the other side in a big bang, creating another universe. Lots of really interesting theories abound. Many of them conclude that this universe is not the only universe. Either we are in just one of a long chain of cycles, or there are several other universes that coexist with us. Very, very throught provoking.

Hope they have beer!
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I haven't studied it much at all. The energy that's driving the expansion will eventually run out. I'll be long gone by then, so it hasn't been worth my time to find out what happens next. Hawking's stuff is interesting, but makes my brain hurt.

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Guest bkelm18

I haven't studied it much at all. The energy that's driving the expansion will eventually run out. I'll be long gone by then, so it hasn't been worth my time to find out what happens next. Hawking's stuff is interesting, but makes my brain hurt.

In theory it will run out, which is a logical assumption based on our knowledge of physics. There is much we do not know (actually we know absoulutely nothing) about dark energy. We will likely never know, considering the time frames involved. Humanity will be looooooong gone by that point.

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Guest ThePunisher

It will be interesting how morals will play a part in people's lives after the rapture happens. Who or what will be the most moral influence of people lives then. Will you be experiencing the living hell then? Without the influence of the church as a moral compass, I think there will be alot more immorality on earth, and will morals be eventually forgotten.

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It will be interesting how morals will play a part in people's lives after the rapture happens. Who or what will be the most moral influence of people lives then. Will you be experiencing the living hell then? Without the influence of the church as a moral compass, I think there will be alot more immorality on earth, and will morals be eventually forgotten.

OhStoot's gonna start drinking again, and I'm going with him :pleased:

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Guest bkelm18

I certainly believe humanity will meet a violent end, but I suspect it will happen with much less fanfare than people would hope for.

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I'm subject to believe anything once me and OhShoot start drinking. He can tell a pretty good whopper when he's sober :pleased:

Yeah, you ain't seen nothing yet. Once we're left behind, I'll break out the bourbon and we'll let 'er rip.

Maybe just normal EOTWAWKI will suffice. Drunken zombie plinking and tall tales!

- OS

oops: back to "morals" ;)

Edited by OhShoot
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Yeah, you ain't seen nothing yet. Once we're left behind, I'll break out the bourbon and we'll let 'er rip.

Maybe just normal EOTWAWKI will suffice. Drunken zombie plinking and tall tales!

- OS

oops: back to "morals" ;)

I'm in. As long as I can still tell which end of a PMAG is up, I can shoot me some zombies.

And BTW... there's nothing immoral about shooting zombies while you're drinking.

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Well, my religious beliefs don't exclude the possibility of having a drink, so include me in the bourbon. gentlemen.

Absolutely. I wanna shoot a couple of your 6.8's when I'm drinking. You still haven't had a chance to shoot my SOCOM either. I wish those dang zombies would hurry up. I'm pumped!

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