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Am I wrong?

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I know it's a little stupid, but while trying to buy a BCG for my rifle build I stopped over on AR15.com with the hopes of finding one in the EE section. A guy had just listed several parts (to be sold seperatly) and the BCG was one of them. I sent an IM telling the guy to give me the total cost of said item, and an email stating I would have to send a money order. He made no mention of payment type and I just wanted to make sure he was cool not using PP. An hour after my message and email were sent I noticed another member posted an "IM sent" on two items, one of which was the BCG. So no mistake could be made, I edited my original post with an "I'll take it". That phrase is used to stake claim to the item for sale, and gives you the ability to post feedback on the seller. About an hour later the other member also posts an "I'll take it". Seeing that I agreed to buy the item first, I thought the bolt was mine. I recieved an email from the seller today telling me the bcg and reciever were sold to the other member. He also stated that he would let me know "if things fall through". My reply.....No thanks! Sounds like the seller might have recieved more than asking price. I tried to leave negative feedback and got a slap on the wrist. This is the first problem I've ever had buying from a board. If I'm wrong... I'll apologize. What do you folks think?

Edited by Howler
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Unfortunately I've had the same experience on our own beloved forum, just this year. Both instances I made and offer, which was accepted, only to be told shortly that the item had been sold.

I don't think your wrong at all. If you stake claim and offer to pay the price, it should be yours. I never bothered posting feedback the second time it happened. It's not worth the time really.

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Never had a problem here, but haven't done a ton of deals either. I will never do business with a negative feedback seller. Most (not all) bad situations can be solved with simple communication. He could have Pm'd me and told me the upper and bcg had to be sold together. I feel he used us against each other to get more money. I got a slap on the wrist because I wouldn't edit my post, changing the time stamp, proving that the seller pulled a fast one.

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Should be 1st with the agreed upon price is the new owner which sounds like it was you. Maybe the other guy was local and could put cash in his hand that day? Who knows why he wouldn'y honor his word. It surely shows a lack of character IMO to tell you it was yours only to back out.

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