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Facebook Call For Nationwide 2A Peaceful Demonstrations

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I'm sure it will be picked up on other media as well.  For a heads up, they're asking gun owners to meet at their home state's capitol building on Friday, Feb. 8  from 10 a.m. to noon EST to show support for the 2A.   They hope for a million to show.   For Tennessee that would mean the event is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

Edited by gun sane
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For a heads up, they're asking gun owners to meet at their home state's capitol building on Friday, Feb. 8  from 10 a.m. to noon EST to show support for the 2A.   They hope for a million to show.   For Tennessee that would mean the event is from 9 a.m. to 11 a2.m. 


A third of TN is in EST, including yourself.


- OS

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Yes, but the capitol is in Nashville, CST.  Hey, it's worth the trip!


OIC, mea culpa.


I'm thinking that there are so many things being proposed for action right now, the downside is that it won't be a big enough showing to do more than suggest a "lunatic fringe".


- OS

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[quote name="TripleDigitRide" post="877527" timestamp="1357511575"]Why do they always schedule this stuff for a day and time when a majority of people are working?[/quote] If a movement such as this were to actually develop into something real, a million+ people taking off work might help get some attention. But you are right, this might only demonstrate the unwillingness of people to sacrifice a little security to stand up for what they believe in. -Interesting times...we shall see.
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Guest stephy***

I'm sure it will be picked up on other media as well.  For a heads up, they're asking gun owners to meet at their home state's capitol building on Friday, Feb. 8  from 10 a.m. to noon EST to show support for the 2A.   They hope for a million to show.   For Tennessee that would mean the event is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

Its actually Jan. 19th. its on a Saturday. There is alot of satates that already have media coverage on this.

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