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Nashville Metro PD employment?

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Metro is an excellent place to cut your teeth in LE.

They have a good academy and a great FTO program. Once you survive both and are cleared for solo patrol you can truly say that you have accomplished something.

And as someone has already pointed out. 4 or 5 years working patrol in Trashville and you can pretty much go anywhere you want so long as the jobs are there.

Ride alongs are a really great way to get a good look behind the curtain.

Metro is a stat driven agency, you will be expected to carry your weight, answer your calls and keep up good numbers. Which includes traffic stops and field interviews.

You really need to find a Metro officer you can make friends with and let him or her tell you how it really is. Politics inside the department is on par with larger departments. But Metro does have some unique issues that would resonate better with you coming from the mouth of an officer you personally know and not from someone you don't know posting on an internet forum.

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If any of you out there in internet land wish to give me any advice or pointers for the academy, feel free to PM me. I'd appreciate it.

Stop and introduce yourself to the gate on your way into the Academy grounds the next time your out there, you will become "great friends" with it over your 26 weeks.


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Stop and introduce yourself to the gate on your way into the Academy grounds the next time your out there, you will become "great friends" with it over your 26 weeks.


I hear the trip to the gate isn't so bad...

... it's the trip BACK that gets you. :)

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I hear the trip to the gate isn't so bad...

... it's the trip BACK that gets you. :D

No kidding. Led me to ankle surgery!

Great news Poak!

Be in the absolutle best shape of your life, becasue the first 2-6 weeks will kill you (depends on how long it takes you class to get it!). Also KNOW your 10 codes BEFORE you get there. I can attest that our first nights homework was to have them memorized. We were then quizzed randomly standing in formation after running the hill. You will either be rewarded or punished by running the hill anyway, so better let it be a reward.:D

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