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The National Championships

Guest FroggyOne2

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Guest FroggyOne2

The results for the .22 Slow Fire, Timed Fire, Rapid Fire and National Match Course are in, but not final yet per the NRA.. This means that there is something under contention and till that is resolved, the scores will not be final.

Gunny Zins is not having a good year so far, he has won the Nationals 6 times.

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Guest FroggyOne2

It is tenitive right now.. but Brian Zins, USMC GySgt. won the .22 Pistol Bullseye Championships by one point, shooting a 891-52x, beating Sean Watson's 890-44x score.

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Guest FroggyOne2

A police officer by the name of Phillip Hemphill won the second stage (Center Fire) of the National Pistol Championships with a 890-44x, in second place was Gunny Zins with 880-44x.

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Guest FroggyOne2

According to the NRA web site, Brian Zins, with a 2643 - 131x's is the National Bullseye Champion, nothing has been highlighted yet by the NRA, which either means that there is a contention in the final results or that as usual, the NRA is dragging behind. Once these results are posted as official, this would mean the Brian has won his 7th national championship.

Next phase is smallbore, three postion and then prone.

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Guest FroggyOne2
These should be televised.

Ain't that the truth.. American Shooter has been there twice.. I was there once for that.. and I was on the show when they came to Oak Ridge .. I just got back from inservice.. will be heading up there for NRA week and Long Range.

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Guest FroggyOne2

Pentz, Justin


This jr shooter is kicking some but right now.. have to see what happens with the scope matches.

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Guest FroggyOne2

It is now official, Justin D. Pentz of Rockton, Pa. is the National Champion in the 3 Position Metallic Sight phase of the Smallbore National Championships.

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Guest FroggyOne2

George Norton is national champion combined metallic and scope 3 Position Smallbore. Score of 2374-131x .. That is some great shooting!

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Guest FroggyOne2

A friend of mine, Mark Delcotto from Ky. Placed 7th overall in the Smallbore Metallic Sight Prone National Championships! Way to go Mark.. I am thinking about shooting the Smallbore prone matches next year myself.

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A police officer by the name of Phillip Hemphill won the second stage (Center Fire) of the National Pistol Championships with a 890-44x, in second place was Gunny Zins with 880-44x.

Phillip Hemphill is, if my memory serves me correct, a state trooper for the state of Mississippi. He has been at the top of the awards charts for years and is a force to be reckoned with in pistol competition.

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Guest FroggyOne2


27 July 2008

Four new articles are posted on The First Shot On-Line, the CMP’s electronic newsletter. Check The First Shot front page at http://www.odcmp.org/0708/default.asp to see summaries of all recent articles with links to the full articles. The First Shot On-Line front page also displays readers’ comments and a link to the popular CMP Forum. The latest articles posted are described below.

i_safe.gif7th National Rimfire Sporter Match sets New Record - Sun and a light breeze chased away the morning rain as a record crop of shooters stepped to the firing line at the seventh annual CMP National Rim­fire Sporter Match on Sunday, 20 July. Rimfire Sporter is an informal games match that intro­duces shooters to a course of fire akin to match competition yet conducted at a pace conducive to new shooters. The match is fired with off-the-rack bolt-action or semi-automatic .22 caliber rifles which bear no spe­cialized target shooting equipment such as heavy fluted barrels, thumbhole stocks or match-grade sights and must meet weight and trigger-pull restrictions.

Henderson, Hemphill and USAMU’s Team Blue take top hon­ors at the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches - This year marked the 117th anniversary of the National Trophy Pis­tol Matches, now sponsored by the Civilian Marksmanship Program. The matches, which trace back to roots in competitions promoted by US Department of War and US Congress in the late 1800s and early 1900, have been hosted at Camp Perry since 1907. Over 900 shooters participated in the 2008 National Tro­phy Pistol Matches phase which includes the Pistol Small Arms Firing School.

i_safe.gifi_safe.gifTop Pistol Shooters - Entering the ser­vice pistol events at the 2008 National Matches, three US Army Marksmanship Unit members held spots in the top five Civilian Marksmanship Program national rankings with two former military shooters in the mix.

Pistol Shooters win big with the CMP Handicap System - It doesn’t happen too often in sports, but sometimes the average competitor gets an opportunity to compete straight up with the perennial champs and bring home the prize. With a little help from the CMP Handicap System, Ross Chesley, of East Grand Rapids, Michigan and Ron Hawkins, of Hanover, Massachusetts did just that in the President’s Pistol and National Trophy Individual matches, respectively, Sun­day, 13 July.

i_safe.gifi_safe.gifLive Results on the Internet. The CMP Competition Tracker match results system, which was first used in 2003, posts scores not only on a results database, but that database is instantly available to competi­tors and the public via the Internet. Viewership of the CMP National Matches on-line results pages has increased significantly each year, with the total number of viewers now eight to ten times greater than the number of competitors. Updated CMP National Matches results can be viewed any­where in the world throughout the matches on 27 July through 2 August at http://clubs.odcmp.com/ntrifle. Tell your family, friends and fellow club members to bookmark that site so they can track this year’s National Matches results and become part of service rifle shooting’s fan base.

National Matches Photography. Triple Distinguished shooter Web Wright is a professional wedding photographer who also has estab­lished a reputation for being the best photographer of traditional shooting sports in the world. His shooter portraits have been used in many Olympic finals productions. See his website at http://www.webphotography.net/. Wright was at Camp Perry in 2007 photographing the Small Arms Firing School, National Trophy and CMP Games Matches. His 2007 photo­graphs that contributed so much to giving us more visually exciting images of the matches are still available for viewing on the CMP website. Wright will be at Camp Perry again this year, from 25 July through 2 August. The CMP plans to post his 2008 National Matches photographs on a daily basis at www.odcmp.com/photos.htm.

Garand and Springfield Rifle Maintenance. As-Issued Mili­tary Rifle Competitors who will be at Camp Perry on Thursday, 31 July, during the National Matches will have an opportunity to attend a special new two-hour clinic on "Garand and Springfield Rifle Maintenance." The clinic will start at 2:00 PM (the M1 Carbine Match that day should end by 1:00 PM). The clinic will be in the Garand Room in Camp Perry Building #3 where CMP Headquarters is located. Enter through the In-Processing Center. This is a new clinic the CMP is developing that will be taught by armorers from CMP South at Anniston, Alabama. The clinic covers assembly and disassembly of the Garand and Springfield, but goes on to provide information on the proper fitting of parts on these two rifles together with accurizing tips that can be performed while staying in compli­ance with CMP Rules for As-Issued Military Rifles.

The Camp Perry Retired Marines (CPRM) will host their 2008 Junior Dinner at the Camp Perry Club House on July 30th (the day of the Whistler Boy Match) at 7:00 P.M. Tickets are $12.00 per person. The dinner includes Kentucky Fried Chicken with five different side dishes and drinks. Over $7,000 in door prizes will be given away. Everyone is welcome to attend. Visit http://www.odcmp.org/0708/CPRMDinner.pdf for more details.

National Matches Air Gun Events. This year the air pistol and rifle events that are a traditional part of the National Matches have moved to the new CMP Camp Perry Competition Center with its electronic target equipped 80-point 10 meter range. The official program listing the events that will be offered this year together with the schedule is now posted at http://www.odcmp.com/NM/AirEvents.htm. During the CMP and NRA high­power matches, air rifle shooters will be able to fire 20-shot re-entry stand­ing matches on a 200 yard SR target reduced for air rifle firing at 10 me­ters. A 20-shot sporter air rifle standing event to be fired on the reduced SR target will be offered throughout the National Matches. Shooters who are coming to the National Matches are encouraged to bring their air pis­tols or rifles along so they can also shoot in these matches. Air gun shoot­ers who are not entered in the National Matches events may want to plan a trip to Camp Perry just to shoot in these air gun events.

Celebrity and VIP Participation. The CMP is proud of the fact that many very important people with full, demanding schedules still take time to participate in National Matches events. Those already committed to compete in the CMP Games Matches this year include Congressman Bob Latta, 5th District of Ohio and R. Lee Ermey, star of the Mail Call TV show, together with at least two General Officers, Major General Greg Wayt, Ad­jutant General of Ohio and Brigadier General Matt Kambic, Ohio Assistant Adjutant General Army. The CMP appreciates the sincere interest that these entertainment and political leaders have not only in supporting the National Matches, but also in actually competing in the matches. Their af­firmation of the importance of the matches surely supports the CMP’s ob­jective of promoting the growth, visibility and public recognition of service rifle shooting.

Please Share. . .Forward this copy of CMP Shooters’ News to coaches, parents, friends and fellow shooters whom you know would enjoy reading it. They can also subscribe to these CMP email updates at http://clubs.odcmp.com/subscribe.


Civilian Marksmanship Program, Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg 3, Port Clinton, OH 43452

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Guest FroggyOne2

The CMP Board Matches are now under way.. this is service rifle! For those that do not know, service rifle matches are shot with US service rifles. Competitors do not get to shoot sighting shots prior to shooting for record.

Here is the page for the results when they get listed.


The M16 E-I-C (Excellence In Competition) has already been shot and the results have been posted.

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Guest FroggyOne2


TODAY. The 2008 National Trophy Rifle Matches got underway yester­day when the Rifle Small Arms Firing School concluded with an M16 Ex­cellence-in-Competition Match for 600 competitors from all over the coun­try. Today is the President's Rifle Match, perhaps the most prestigious rifle match in America. The top 100 of a total 1200 competitors will become members of the "President's 100." The winner receives a letter of con­gratulations from the President of the United States in a tradition that President Theodore Roosevelt started in 1904. You can watch this match unfold via the Internet by clicking on http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/report_matchResult.cgi?matchID=3426. President's Rifle Match results will start being posted by 11:00 AM. By 2:30 PM, you will be able to see complete scores for the first 30 shots and who made the President's 100 this year. The most exciting part of the day is scheduled to start at 3:25 PM when the top 20 shooters return to the firing line to fire a 10-shot shoot-off to determine who wins the match and the coveted Presidential letter. Their scores in this high pressure stage will be added to their scores for the first 30 shots to determine the winner. To view the shot-by-shot fi­nal stage scores of the top 20 competitors, go to http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/report_eventAward.cgi?matchID=3426&eventID=1&awardID=4. In this final stage these shooters will be firing at a six inch ten ring and a three inch X ring that is 600 yards away. Take advantage of this opportu­nity to see just how good some of the nation's best rifleman are.

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Guest FroggyOne2

One of our own, Cecil Baldwin of Knoxville, has a chance to be in the final 20 if he does well at 600 yards.. that would be way cool, Cecil is one heck a nice guy and a great shooter!

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