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My rant for the night

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must be starting to losen up some i got 40 cases of 762x39 shipped today along with 30  of 223 and 45 acp all tula


What is your price per case on 7.62x39? Message me privately if that is your preferred method of communication, sir.

Edited by Cartel
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Hey, I'd be glad to buy Randel a beer or coffee or whatever (so long as I don't buy it at Walmart).


Beer it is....It'll have to be somewhere other than walmart....I only go in there to buy ammo between 2am and 4am.....even then I wear an Obama mask.....nobody that knows me would expect it to be me. LOL

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No two walmarts are the same. I was there last week and they were selling 3 of the 100 round boxes of 12ga to each person with one tax stamp. Tonight I was there and the guy was pulling them out of the box and stamping each box but he still let the guy buy 3 100 round boxes. Here's an even better one, the guy who normally works the counter was gone on break and he comes out and ask the guy who took his place if he had sold any ammo and the guy said he had sold 20 or more boxes. He asked if he had put stamps on the boxes, answer from the guy taking his place, " what stamps?".Even better, guy walks up and wants to buy a 12ga, answer from the guy who runs the counter, " we lost the key to the case and can't sell any ammo or guns that are locked up. Seriously????? I normally stay as far away from walmart as possible but I saw on the website they had some Tula .223  in stock. No one could find it and said the website was wrong. Finally a manager walks up and overhears me telling them it showed "in stock". He asked me to give him a minute to go look and he walks out with a 500 round can. How does walmart make any money? 

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I agree 10ga, Wall of China Mart's employees are usually working in so many different departments that most don't know a lot about specific things. But, then again they don't pay all that great, so why would a employee give a crap.

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