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Wood stock maintenance

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Hey, I could use a little advice.  I just picked up a Mosin-Nagant rifle.  I'm pretty excited about it, a neat part of history.  Anyways, I'm getting the cosmoline cleaned off, which is everywhere!  This is my first rifle with a wood stock on it.  What kind of oil is good for this?  Thanks.

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Are you trying to clean it? Or are you going to strip and refinish it?

If your just trying to clean it I'd recommend Murphy's oil soap diluted as per the instructions on the bottle.

As for preserving it, those things are dipped in shellac, they only need to be kept clean, not oiled.
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Mosins are awesome! I noticed AmmoToGo has 440 rounds in a can for less than $100...inexpensive guns and ammo, which is rare these days. I love shooting mine, Best Wishes, B

I just checked their prices and they are way to high IMO best to wait till prices come down to buy ammo but that's me
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I just checked their prices and they are way to high IMO best to wait till prices come down to buy ammo but that's me

22 cents per round is cheap even for surplus ammo like this.  It's the lowest price shown on gunbot.net for all 7.62 x 54R.  So, if you're going to shoot the Mosin anytime soon, that's the best you're gonna do.  I hope prices come down, but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.  So, I stand by what I said...if you want the lowest price available right now for Mosin ammo, AmmoToGo has a spam can of 440 rounds for $94.95.  Best Wishes, B

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The average current price that I've been seeing is about $125 for the 440 round can of 7.62 x 54R. $100 or less is a bargain.

One website when they have some in stock is $135 plus shipping for 880 rounds

The Outpost Armory has plenty...if you wanna spend $150-$160 for 440 rounds.

What's the site you're referring to?
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I've used Tung oil on stocks in the past with good results.  I've read that Tom's 1/3 mix militarty gunstock wax is an excellent product for protecting walnut stocks. As I recently purchased my first M1 garand recently, i want to try this on its beautiful walnut stock .

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JimmieP

Use some 120 grit paper and sand the old finish off.  If you try to strip it the dirt and crap gets burned into the grain.  You wont be happy.  Once the wood is clean use 220 then 320 grit paper to smooth the finish.  Next wet the wood and steam the dents.  It raises the grain.  Next use 400 grit paper.  this will make the wood as smooth as a babies but.  When it feels good and your happy, take denatured alcohal and wash the wood.  This will clean any dirt off and you can actually for a few seconds see what the finished gun will look like.  


next get some Truoil.  Nice product and some 0000 steel wool.  Use rubber gloves and a clean cloth and put a generous coat on the wood and let it sit about 4 hours.  hand rub with the steel wool till the finish has a real nice even luster.  Repeat 5 more times.  Then do the same with one coat of canuba wax and then you'll have something to show off.  Tis is what I do to make money.  Some free advice.

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