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Ricin detected in Senators mail

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The envelope had a Tennessee postmark and no return address. 


The letter inside included an implied threat to effect of: "You haven’t listen to me before. Now you will, even if people have to die," Politico also reported.


Sources say officials are familiar with the person believed to have sent the letter as the person has sent other letters before.


FBI Director Robert Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano were on Capitol Hill on Tuesday for a scheduled talk about cyber security. But that briefing morphed into talks about Boston, after the bombings Monday.


Senate Sergeant at Arms Terry Gainer conducted a separate briefing for senators specifically on ricin

It's unclear whether the letter had any connection to the Boston attack. 


The mail-screening system was established after the Anthrax attacks of 2001 that closed the Hart Senate Office Building.


Fox News' Chad Pergram and Mike Levine and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/16/envelope-containing-ricin-sent-to-sen-wicker-lawmakers-say/#ixzz2QfqZ1O4A


Edited by TripleDigitRide
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The envelope had a Tennessee postmark and no return address. 


The letter inside included an implied threat to effect of: "You haven’t listen to me before. Now you will, even if people have to die," Politico also reported.


Sources say officials are familiar with the person believed to have sent the letter as the person has sent other letters before.


FBI Director Robert Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano were on Capitol Hill on Tuesday for a scheduled talk about cyber security. But that briefing morphed into talks about Boston, after the bombings Monday.


Senate Sergeant at Arms Terry Gainer conducted a separate briefing for senators specifically on ricin


It's unclear whether the letter had any connection to the Boston attack. 


Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Just heard on Fox the person has been identified as a frequent caller and writer to Wickers office. Hannity and Rudy Guiliani were questioning a possible connection to the Boston bombing.

My bet is this is a gun guy who is peeved at Wickers role in the vote to bring the Harry Reid bill out of committee.

They also say the letter had a Memphis postmark.
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Just heard on Fox the person has been identified as a frequent caller and writer to Wickers office. Hannity and Rudy Guiliani were questioning a possible connection to the Boston bombing.

My bet is this is a gun guy who is peeved at Wickers role in the vote to bring the Harry Reid bill out of committee.

They also say the letter had a Memphis postmark.

Doesn't make sense to me (Not your comments, the scenario itself).

It's common knowledge that Senators don't open their own mail, staffers & interns do, also after the anthrax scare all public official mail is screened for exactly this sort of thing, not to mention that ricin must be injected or injested, simple "exposure" isn't deadly, or even all that dangerous.

Surely someone smart enough to manufacture ricin would be aware of all of the above, I know all of that stuff but I am barely capable of making rice-crispy treats let alone a deadly chemical/poison compound.
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Guest flashlight Dave

I have been thinking this terrorist act is home grown like the Unibomber. I think I might have mentioned that before. This ricin thing is making me think that I am correct. This is just a home grown nut wanting attention.

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