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Gave the PF9 another shot....with good results.

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I bought a used KelTec PF9 a few years ago that ran flawlessly for as long as I had it and like a dummy I sold it. About 6 months ago I got the itch for another one and ordered a new one from Buds that was just plauged with problems. Weak extractor spring, extractor breaking, etc. I finally got it semi fixed and sold it off cheap with full disclosure. I was sick about it.


Well I have been looking for another pocket gun and decided to give the PF9 another chance. I got it for a good price along with 150 rounds of ammo. I went and shot 5 mags through it yesterday without a hitch. :up: I don't really have a point to this post but just thought I'd share for the heck of it. One thing is for sure, this little dude has some pop to it.

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Congrats! The little PF9s can be hit or miss. I've owned two of them over the years and they were very reliable. The only problem is they are advertised as "shoot a little, carry a lot" type of guns. I like to shoot whatever I'm going to carry, so that has been my reason for dispensing with mine. Hope yours continues to be reliable. 

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PF9 is also my primary summertime carry. Mine shoots low (not low & left) for me, but my girlfriend can shoot it accurately with no problem. I just have to aim a little higher with it. :D 

When I do that, I can get reasonable groupings at 10-15 yds. Yeah, I know, it's me, not the gun. I have to deliberately aim high with this gun. I don't have this problem with other pistols, namely my Bersa Thunder 45 and my Ruger, so I figure it's got to be some combination of my large hands and the PF9's very narrow grip and rather heavy trigger.


Even so, I've never had any problems with the serviceability of the gun itself. It goes bang every time, with no feed issues. Just bought the Laserlyte sidemount to add to mine (they're on sale this month at MidwayUSA).

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PF9 is also my primary summertime carry. Mine shoots low (not low & left) for me, but my girlfriend can shoot it accurately with no problem. I just have to aim a little higher with it. :D

When I do that, I can get reasonable groupings at 10-15 yds. Yeah, I know, it's me, not the gun. I have to deliberately aim high with this gun. I don't have this problem with other pistols, namely my Bersa Thunder 45 and my Ruger, so I figure it's got to be some combination of my large hands and the PF9's very narrow grip and rather heavy trigger.


Even so, I've never had any problems with the serviceability of the gun itself. It goes bang every time, with no feed issues. Just bought the Laserlyte sidemount to add to mine (they're on sale this month at MidwayUSA).


I have that same laser on my ruger lc9. I got it on sell a while back at midway also. a great laser for the money. a added benefit, it fits all my standard holsters

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