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Recomendation on moving. (How to avoid a major hassle)

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

You might still get the hassle, but you will be covered. While moving up here I had to make 7 trips over the last 6 weeks. Towing 4 trailers and with 3 trucks. All but one truck (Budget) was Uhaul.


Around the second week of June I get a call from Regional and Corporate that I was late turning in a trailer. I had turned it in a day early actually and informed them of that. What I got was 44 phone calls, going back and forth, with an end result (from Regional and Corporate) that basically, without outright saying it, insinuated that I was a liar and a thief.


I informed them that not only had I dropped it off early, (informed them of this several times) but that I had taken photo, video and had GPS metadata, along with witnesses that proved when I dropped it off. A date/time stamp is no good, photo and video metadata is GPS based and does not lie. Finally I took it to the dealer and showed them and had heard nothing about it until a few days ago, I got a call that they had just found a missing trailer, but it should have been turned in by the 21st.


Bottom line. The STOLEN trailer wasnt missing. I dropped it off after business hours, it was missing the next day, no one had seen it. Because Uhaul had rented it, someone came and picked it up, and the Uhaul dealer never even saw the trailer. The second trailer wasnt the missing trailer. I turned that one in early as well. (Day and a half early), It was an entirely different trailer that had not been logged in, which is why it was still sitting on their lot. Because it wasnt logged in and had not been rented. (Because it was missing, so we had two missing trailers, one I didnt know about). I checked my credit card statement, yep they had charged me $225.50 for the late fees for the trailer, that they had rented. And charged it to the wrong place.


The Corporate and Regional Office both had no idea what they were talking about. After about the 20th call I informed them again, I turned it in, had the evidence, and it isnt my responsibility to secure their lots. I was informed that (Basically I wasnt telling the truth) because the lot had a high fence around it and all the trailers were behind a locked gate. WRONG. The lot is nothing more than a wide open parking lot and anyone at any time can drive on there and drive off with a trailer.


Bottom line, if your moving and renting a truck or trailer from anywhere, use a cell phone, or a camera with GPS capability, take photo's of everything. Photos and video. I do. And I am glad I did because I knew some crap like this might pop up.


It's not that I dont trust anybody, its just that I dont trust anybody that can cost me money. (Or something else, one of those phone calls a guy tells me if it isnt returned today we are going to have to file a police report that it was stolen). Told them go ahead, Ill make the call for you.


Take pictures, take video, have a witness. Picking up and dropping off.


EDIT AND NOTE: I blame none of this on the local dealer. Corporate had their heads up their azzes, apparently didnt know to follow through and check everything before being accusatory.

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Guest TankerHC

Would have cost me nearly 4 grand to pay a company to do it. Or I would have done just that.

Edited by TankerHC
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I don't use Uhaul if there is any way I can help it. I learned the hard way on the day I was moving into my current home that they will never turn down a request to reserve a request, even if a lot has only one truck and they have 10,000 requests for it on the same day. They will screw the 9,999 who got there after the first guy (whether or not he was the first to make the request) and won't even apologize for the inconvenience. I got lucky on my moving day because a friend offered me two truck and two trailers to complete my move once he found out what happened. Otherwise I would have been late moving out of my prior residence and I'm sure there would have been a penalty to pay for that. In short, screw Uhaul. 

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Would have cost me nearly 4 grand to pay a company to do it. Or I would have done just that.


whew that's high! 


Did you at least buy new guns with the money you saved and use that as an excuse to do so with the wife?

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Guest TankerHC

The last truck I rented of the three was a Budget 24 foot. To put it bluntly, every piece of equipment I rented from Uhaul was basically a piece of junk. It did the job, so really no complaint there. But that brand new Budget truck compared to those antiques Uhaul gave me was no comparison. The ride was much easier. Plus the gas mileage was way better on the Budget for some reason.

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