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I Had A Wet Dream

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But it turned out to be nothing more than the hot water heater flooding my apartment.

Nothing like waking up at 3am to a geyser shooting from the A/C closet. Our downstairs neighbor wasn't too happy either.

The maintenance was out in short order to fix the broken water line, but we're still waiting on the carpet company who's supposed to extract the flood waters.

I didn't get into bed until around midnight, so I'm a tired mofo.

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Guest RISC777

Those surprises suck, to put it mildly, especially at oh-dark-thirty AM. Though I really hate reading about work when I'm not at work. Tell the carpet cleaning company a fan isn't enough.

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Guest db99wj

Be glad you live in an apartment, really sucks when your "the landlord that is financially responsible for the dwelling" is....you!

Oh, I am thankful that firefox gives a brief description popup when I put my cursor over the thread title!

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Those surprises suck, to put it mildly, especially at oh-dark-thirty AM. Though I really hate reading about work when I'm not at work. Tell the carpet cleaning company a fan isn't enough.

Yea, they left the fan, and said they'd come back Monday. They had to cut the carpet and remove some of the wet pad. I was surprised when he just left the fan sitting on top of the carpet. After he left, I lifted the carpet, and set it up so it would blow under the carpet. I figured it would dry faster/better that way.

Can you say MOLD!

He spayed the heck out of everything with something that's supposed to help prevent mold and mildew. I have since done the same thing two additional times.

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Guest RISC777

Subfloor, walls, baseboard trim (wood), "some" of wet carpet pad, fan on top of carpeting [doesn't dry subflooring] . . . they know not what they do.

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