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Very rough weekend

Guest db99wj

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The "s" shape you described is called a "swan's neck deformity" and it's a classic sign of this type of break. Glad he missed the disk (growth plate) and it wasn't too far up the arm.

We used to do a ton of these in the ER/trauma unit where I used to work. Typically, they go home as soon as the cast if fairly setup.

It is a "good" injury and will heal wonderfully (you'll be surprised) and that part of the bone will actually be stronger than it was before.

This injury typically happens when the person trys to "catch" himself on his palm with the arm outstretched. Is his elbow sore? This type of injury can often jam the elbow as well, it seldom breaks but may be painful, swollen, or tender for several days after the injury.

But what do I know.... ;)

Sounds like a lot! He hasn't mentioned his elbow being sore, course he hasn't moved it much since then, but he did jam a couple of fingers. Yes, he did go home about 30 minutes after the cast set, they gave him a popsicle, we did paperwork.

Going back to school with a cast on my arm was one of the more fun things about being a kid. Everyone wants to sign them. :)

Be sure to warn him not to stick a ruler down in there and scratch no matter what the other dork kids tell him to do. :P

Point well taken, will discuss this afternoon.:D

Tell him that he could qualify for an Olympic medal. :D

That vid is crazy, saw it a few weeks ago and still the same reaction!:cool:

Just saw this today, your son has my prayers for a speedy recovery. Fortunately he's young and will heal quickly.


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This injury typically happens when the person trys to "catch" himself on his palm with the arm outstretched. Is his elbow sore? This type of injury can often jam the elbow as well, it seldom breaks but may be painful, swollen, or tender for several days after the injury.

But what do I know.... :cool:

I fell like that when I was about 10 years old.Broke my wrist.

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