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Home Invader Dies In Struggle With Father Of Intended Victim

Guest Verbal Kint

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Guest Verbal Kint

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Home Invader Dies In Struggle With Father Of Intended Victim

Police: Sex Offender Brought Rope, Condoms, Knife To Planned Attack

POSTED: 4:38 pm EDT September 28, 2008

UPDATED: 6:23 pm EDT September 28, 2008

INDIANAPOLIS -- A man who police said broke into a home with the intention of sexually assault a 17-year-old girl in her bedroom died early Sunday morning after a struggle with the girl's father.

David Meyers (pictured), 52, was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after officers arrived following a report of a home invasion in the 3500 block of West 79th Street at about 3:20 a.m.

Officers said they found Robert McNally, 64, on the floor with his arm around the neck of Meyers, struggling to hold him down.

When officers told McNally he could let go, they found that Meyers was unresponsive. Medics who were called to the scene then pronounced Meyers dead.

Indianapolis police Sgt. Matt Mount said Meyers had come into the home naked, except for a mask and latex gloves.

"He had rope, had a knife, had condoms, had a gag," Mount said.

Police said Meyers had gotten into the home through a window next to the girl's bedroom and that he knew the home well because his uncle owns it and he was an acquaintance of the family.

The teen awoke to find a naked man in her room and began screaming, alerting McNally, police said.

During a protracted struggle in the hallway of the home, McNally was able to get his arm around Meyers' neck and subdue him while his wife called police, officers said.

Meyers was a registered sex offender and was released from prison two years ago after he had served 10 years of a 20-year sentence for criminal confinement and sexual deviate conduct stemming from a case in Hamilton County.

Meyers was also being sought in Boone County for failure to register as a sex offender.

Police said Meyers had been living with his mother down a gravel road from the home that the McNally family lived in and had recently lost his job.

"When they got the mask off, both the father and daughter recognized him," Mount said.

Police said Meyers had a history of heart problems. They were not immediately sure if he died as a result of heart failure or from being choked.

The results of the police investigation will be turned over to the Marion County Prosecutor's Office, but it is unlikely charges will be filed, police said.

Family - 1

Scumbag - 0


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This is a perfect example proving these scumbags can not be rehabilitated.

Nice happy ending, for the family anyway.

an excellent point!! and one I concur with..this guy serves 10 years in prison for criminal confinement and being a sexual deviant..

that means he locked someone up and either raped them or tried to rape them before he was caught.

notice how the police got there and the guy was struggling..but when they got the guy off of him, he was dead?

hahahahahahhaha I can see it now..the officer walks in..sees the old man in the rear naked choke on the home invader..and says..."you got him? he's not going anywhere right?"...man answers "growl.."..

Officer says "well then!" turns and asks the mans' wife. if I might, can I get a cup of coffee?" walks out..comes back 2 or 3 minutes later...still got him? he's not moving..doesn't look like he's breathing..you can let him up now..."

that's law enforcement I can appreciate!!!!!

Edited by towerclimber37
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Right on...

I pity the soul that would try that on my daughter. I would certainly be happy to cure all his ills...

Roger that. There would be no need for a EMS call. Merely a coroner at his earliest convenience.

Investigation would consist of my side of the story, and a squeegie to clean the aftermath.

I would die a thousand painful deaths in defense of my children, and if you seek to inflict harm--- I will see that you do as well.

Down, Bronker!

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Glad the taxpayers were saved the cost of housing the scumbag....again.

One thought stuck me though, this is another VERY good reason to have a firearm or other weapon readily available... I don't want to have to be in a position to wrestle a nekkid man into submission if I don't have to be. :usa::lol:

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Sorry, bad pun!!.....This guy should have had the towel instead of the mask :lol:....

Oh, and I am happy that it turned out well for the family.

Considering that the thread is about the attempted rape of a 17 year old girl, I'm not sure that picture is going to be warmly received. :usa:

Glad to hear that the perp got the **** choked out of him though. Mad props to the dad for doing the job old-school style.

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Guest Halfpint
Police said Meyers had a history of heart problems. They were not immediately sure if he died as a result of heart failure or from being choked.
Maybe it's me, but I really find it funny--in a good way--that the police don't say that the father actually killed the sicko.

"Oh, him? Why no, Mrs. Reporter, we all found him like this. Must have just keeled over before he could do anything to that young girl. Nothing more to see here, just a dead scumbag, move on. :angel:"

Wouldn't have a problem in the least with the police saying, publicly, "Yes, he killed the intruder, but no charges will be filed as it was in defense of his young daughter," because the intruder got at least a taste of what he deserved.

Mr. McNally, :usa: to you, sir!

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Guest canynracer

From the article..."Meyers was also being sought in Boone County for failure to register as a sex offender."

Ummm...not anymore!!

Congrats to the dad...and yeah, if that was my daughter, they would never find him, I would keep him within an inch of his life for weeks on end in my attic...torture, plain old fashoned (now banned) torture.

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I've choked a lot of men unconscious over the last several years, but none of them were naked, and none were in my daughter's room. Not sure I could have been that calm and let it go at just putting him to sleep under the same circumstances. The guys I bounced with and I had a saying: "If you smell sh*t, you held on too long..." Sounds like the perp got off easy to me (if you'll pardon the expression).

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Guest canynracer
I've choked a lot of men unconscious over the last several years, but none of them were naked, and none were in my daughter's room. Not sure I could have been that calm and let it go at just putting him to sleep under the same circumstances. The guys I bounced with and I had a saying: "If you smell sh*t, you held on too long..." Sounds like the perp got off easy to me (if you'll pardon the expression).


the perp is dead...

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Yeah, but he died a relatively quick and painless death. Like I said, he got off easy...

I dunno, heart failure and/or suffocating probably isn't the most peaceful of deaths.

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They should have taken the perp to this Dr. before his first jail sentence.

OUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - A central Kentucky man whose penis was removed during an operation is suing the doctor and medical practice that performed the surgery, saying he was only in the hospital for a circumcision.

Phillip Seaton, 61, and his wife, Deborah Seaton, sued Dr. John M. Patterson and Commonwealth Urology in Frankfort, accusing Patterson of removing the organ despite specific instructions to only perform a circumcision as part of a treatment plan for a medical condition.

The Seatons, of Waddy, also sued the anesthesiologist, Dr. Oliver James of Shelbyville, claiming he used a general anesthesia even though Seaton asked that it not be administered.

Kevin George, the attorney representing the Seatons, said his clients are "angry" over what happened.

A message left at Commonwealth Urology's corporate office in Lexington was not immediately returned Thursday. A message left for James was not immediately returned.

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I dunno, heart failure and/or suffocating probably isn't the most peaceful of deaths.

Depends on how he was choked. When I choke someone, I use my bicep and forearm to "pinch" both sides of the neck and cut off blood flow to the brain via the carotid arteries. The windpipe (trachea) isn't really involved, so there's no "suffocation". With a solid lock, the jackass usually loses consciousness within 7-10 seconds, and there's no permanent damage so long as I don't hold on. This technique is what's commonly known as a "sleeper hold" or "rear naked choke" (again, pardon the unintended pun).

If I were to hold on significantly longer, however, the brain would eventually be starved of oxygen to the point that the tissue would start to die, and this would lead to irreversible brain damage--and ultimately, death. In this scenario, it might be a little scary for the perp for the first few seconds when he starts to black out, but he would (unfortunately) be blissfully unaware of himself and his surroundings by the time I separate his soul from his body...

I'm going to stop now before I get a PM from Tungsten. As I'm sure many of you can imagine, this topic has got me a little riled up... :)

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They should have taken the perp to this Dr. before his first jail sentence.

OUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - A central Kentucky man whose penis was removed during an operation is suing the doctor and medical practice that performed the surgery, saying he was only in the hospital for a circumcision.

Phillip Seaton, 61, and his wife, Deborah Seaton, sued Dr. John M. Patterson and Commonwealth Urology in Frankfort, accusing Patterson of removing the organ despite specific instructions to only perform a circumcision as part of a treatment plan for a medical condition.

The Seatons, of Waddy, also sued the anesthesiologist, Dr. Oliver James of Shelbyville, claiming he used a general anesthesia even though Seaton asked that it not be administered.

Kevin George, the attorney representing the Seatons, said his clients are "angry" over what happened.

A message left at Commonwealth Urology's corporate office in Lexington was not immediately returned Thursday. A message left for James was not immediately returned.

Just a little off the top please.

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