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A little Chicago humor!!!!

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I was driving through northern Illinois last night listening to a call-in program on WGN in Chicago.  People were calling in all upset about the goat's head sent to Cubs owner Tom Ricketts at Wrigley Field.

Some guy called in from Indiana and said, "Why are you all so upset cause someone sent a goat's head to Wrigley Field?  Aren't you the guys that sent
a horse's ass to the White House".

I almost ran off the road!

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I work in retail and I just had a guy come in from IL working on his moms toilet locally I presume. He said he was from IL when he shook my hand after I got him everything he needed and said "don't worry I washed my hands" jokingly as he shook my hand. I almost told him,"that $#it won't wash off." I couldn't do it cause he was a really nice guy and I would get fired but would have been funny. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
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Well I may get jack slapped for saying this but all the folks up there are not bad or dumb. I still have some great friends living up there and all of them wish they were living down here but all have good jobs so they are stuck up their till they can retire if they live that long. My father was born in Hickory Corners Michigan and we lived in Lemont Illinois and every year we came down to my Grandfathers ranch for two weeks and I honestly think the hardest thing my father had to do was leave Tennessee and go back to work in Chicago and begin looking forward to the next year. When my Grandfather decided it was time for him to retire he gave my father the Ranch and asked him how long it would be till he could make arrangements to move south? He gave him the ranch in August 67 and in October 67 we were getting settled in the ranch house and my grandfather had built a log cabin down in the lower pasture to live in so maybe my dad was born in Michigan but his heart was in Tennessee................... :up:  :up:  :rofl: 

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Well I may get jack slapped for saying this but all the folks up there are not bad or dumb. I still have some great friends living up there and all of them wish they were living down here but all have good jobs so they are stuck up their till they can retire if they live that long. My father was born in Hickory Corners Michigan and we lived in Lemont Illinois and every year we came down to my Grandfathers ranch for two weeks and I honestly think the hardest thing my father had to do was leave Tennessee and go back to work in Chicago and begin looking forward to the next year. When my Grandfather decided it was time for him to retire he gave my father the Ranch and asked him how long it would be till he could make arrangements to move south? He gave him the ranch in August 67 and in October 67 we were getting settled in the ranch house and my grandfather had built a log cabin down in the lower pasture to live in so maybe my dad was born in Michigan but his heart was in Tennessee................... :up:  :up:  :rofl:


 That's a good story right there! I'm going to transfer you original most humorous post over to Facebook for others to enjoy.

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