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Which one?


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Ok, here is my problem I have neither a .22 rifle or 12 gauge shotgun and can only have one till the end of the year. I have saved up the money for a Remington 870 express 18inch barrel extended magazine tube. Then today I found a smoking deal on a Marlin Model 39A and would really like to have it also, the marlin would leave around one hundred dollars in my pocket and the 870 would pretty much take up my current gun savings. I don't know which one I want so I need some advice, opinions, etc. I am leaning towards the 39A because I can get range time in with it, whereas the shotgun is not allowed at the range. I believe I could better my marksmanship with the .22 also but have had my heart set on this shotgun for so long. Sorry about the long post just felt I had to state the situation. Thanks for all the help.

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Guest Revelator

I would say if you think you need a home defense gun get the Remmie, but if you're not going to shoot it that much that may not be a good idea. If you're going to have a shotgun (or any gun, really) for home defense you need to shoot it enough to be comfortable with it and, ideally, take a class if you don't already have training. Doesn't sound like that'll be in the future with that shotgun. So you probably said it best with the Marlin and the range time you'll get with that.

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I know you didnt ask, but here goes. I'd personally get a Ruger 10/22 over the 39a, unless you just want the levergun, if so the only one that beats in IMHO would be the Browning... IMHO.

If your need is a defense gun, I'd go ahead and get the Rem., but keep in mind used 39a's are hard to find. Defense shotguns are a dime a dozen.

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Guest Abominable_Hillbilly

It really depends on what you want to do with the gun.

Glockmeister made a good point. The shotgun is easy to find. The Marlin is not so easy to come by.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dean_JC78

Go with the .22, I shoot mine a lot more than I do my shotgun. If home defense is your need and not target shooting than obviously the shotgun is the way to go.

Edit, oops guess I was late to the party, congrats on the purchase!

Edited by Dean_JC78
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