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Let's look at this:  1) taxes and budgetary measures, 2) education policy, 3) regulatory policy and 4) health care policy measures "Freedom!". Guess I'm no where near as smart as the folks in that "think tank" cause I'm missing something here. 



http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/John_Locke_Foundation:  "The John Locke Foundation (JLF) is a right-wing pressure group based in North Carolina. It describes itself as "an independent, nonprofit think tank that would work for truth, for freedom, and for the future of North Carolina." 


Annual Revenue: $3,000,000+; “On its website JLF states that it is a 501(c)(3) "non-profit, nonpartisan think tank supported entirely from voluntary contributions. JLF does not and would not accept government funds. It has received support from nearly 1,500 individuals, businesses, and foundations." [38] JLF does not disclose its corporate or foundation funders.”


Just a country boy's thoughts for what they're worth.

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Now according to those maps Fl is in the lead, but I certainly wouldn't live there. Way too many people from yankee land, there are more elderly people in FL from NY,NJ and Mass than in the states they left. I am happily content right here!! If I have to move it would be out west Idaho, Wyoming, Utah.

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Now according to those maps Fl is in the lead, but I certainly wouldn't live there. Way too many people from yankee land, there are more elderly people in FL from NY,NJ and Mass than in the states they left. I am happily content right here!! If I have to move it would be out west Idaho, Wyoming, Utah.

Agree on Wyoming.  I have no plans to move but if I had to, it would be Wyoming.  (No state income tax :pleased:  )  Don't know about Idaho & Utah, but I used to live in Oregon and have no desire to go back.

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