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Repair a Buck 307?

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Anyone here able to repair/change a blade in a Buck 307?


Dad broke his favorite every day Buck 307 that he has carried since at least the mid 80's. Wondering if anyone here about to take a buck 307 apart and replace the main blade?  ( I have already obtained the hard to get blade ).  Buck will only replace the knife with a 301, however we don't want to replace this one with a 301.  In fact I already brought him a 301 to carry.





Yes, it is old, dirty but to him it does have some sentimental value which is why it is not just being traded for a 301.

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Buck said they wouldn't fix it even if you supply the blade?


You can pm/email Joe Houser through bladeforums.com. (buck forum mod, and Buck CR Director).


Or maybe just post there to shame them into doing it. :)


- OS

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I honestly haven't ask them since I found a replacement blade.  It is worth trying.  I will also check out bladeforums.com as well.  thanks.


Well, by all means just call Buck first, they're known to do some remarkable things in customer service. Long story, but they actually did a custom config on a Vantage for me a couple of years ago for nothing.


- OS

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Not yet,  Been busy around here lately.  Too many bosses at work creating red tape to make simple jobs take longer while saying hurry up.


I might just carry it with me when the President of Buck is going to be at Smokey Mountain Knife Works July 10-12th.  Get in line and talk to the main guy.

Edited by vontar
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