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Fanny Pack Carry Bag NOT WHAT YOU THINK

Guest jcramin

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Guest jcramin

I know I know, BUT its not what you think. I am looking for a fanny pack holster for my Khar PM9 to fit in and room for some items such as wallet and keys and compass and map.

I want to modify it so I can hang it across the front of me when I have my backpack when backpacking.

I plan on cutting off the belt part and modifying it to attach to the shoulder straps so it basically sits in front of my on my chest and hangs between my shoulder straps.

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Guest jcramin

I will be wearing a BIG backpack, not like a daypack. It will be overnight several day backpacking trips. So it will have to be something that I can hang in front

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If you don't mind it not being "concealed" what not use one of these. You could easily attach the "drop" to the shoulder strap and the lateral straps across your chest straps. It would hang in a perfect, quick position and be pretty stable without adding weight.

Just a thought and they're cheap. http://www.centerfiresystems.com/LH-BL.asp


Edited by Smith
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I will be wearing a BIG backpack, not like a daypack. It will be overnight several day backpacking trips. So it will have to be something that I can hang in front

Look at the Remora Gearslinger. If you wear it backwards, it should fit what you are looking for I think.

The other would be the Manta Versipack. it is essentially just the holster portion of the versipacks with Molle straps to make your own setup. If you want to modify something, it could easily be modified with some d rings to hook to your sternum strap of your backpacking rig, or could be worn with the one strap so that when you take breaks and take your pack off, your sidearm will still be on your person.

Edited by dwrd
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The maxpedition stuff will hang in the front or the side, or the back. Has adjustable straps so that you can wear them low around your waist, or higher at chest height. The quality of them will be far superior to any fanny pack. Plus the certain ones are built for CC.

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Guest EasilyObsessed

Have you thought about buying a pack that has carry pockets in the belt strap?

This it the pack I am currently using (Osprey Atmos 50):


Kinda hard to see in this photo but the waist belt has pockets. Would be plenty big to hold a Kahr. I normally keep a snack, compass, multitool, map, and a camera in mine.

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What type of Backpack do you have?

I have a Kelty Coyote (4750 cu.)

It could be that with some minor alterations you could

fit it on your waist belt, hidden slightly by the pack. Or maybe use a "First Aide" looking small pouch that you could attach to the waist belt that has one of those quick zip release opening that would allow you to get to it in a hurry.

On my old back (a no name pack) I had areas that overlapped the belt just slightly. It didn't really press against it but was out of sight. I carried a boot knife clipped there. and could get to it in an instant. This weekend, if I can remember I'lldig my pack out and look at it some more.

For me, I think it would bug me too much to have something hanging around the front of me like that. But that is just me. My friends are already asking about where to hide guns in and around packs now. So you aren't alone in your quest.

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Get a two quart canteen with carrier from a surplus store. Cut out the top of the canteen, leaving the spigot, and then attach an Uncle Mike's holster to the inside of the canteen with velcro. Place it inside the canteen carrier and hang it in front of you. Now your pistol is held inside what looks like one of your water carriers. Happy backpacking.

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Guest EasilyObsessed
Get a two quart canteen with carrier from a surplus store. Cut out the top of the canteen, leaving the spigot, and then attach an Uncle Mike's holster to the inside of the canteen with velcro. Place it inside the canteen carrier and hang it in front of you. Now your pistol is held inside what looks like one of your water carriers. Happy backpacking.

I think a metal canteen would stick out more than a fanny pack. In the past three years or so of hiking I have never seen anyone on the trail with a metal canteen.

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I'm talking about the plastic two quart canteens that they sell at every surplus store.



Eight dollars for both at cheaper than dirt.


Until Cheaper than dirt sees demand in crease then posts...

"Due to the uncertain political climate we are seeing an increase of canteen sales across the country, and thus suppliers are having a difficult time meeting demand. We will continue to offer our existing canteens but prices are subject to change without notice, warning, or at the whim of any of us involved. Remember... we at "Cheaper than Dirt" continue to support all the freedoms we hold dear and will continue to stand by our loyal customers to the end... or until you run out of money.


Cheaper than Dirt"


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Guest jcramin

Mine and my sons packs are both pretty big around 5500 cu.

I think I am going to try and modify the pack and mount something on the strap rather than hanging in front, because I really think that would bother me too.

Thanks to everyone for all these great ideas.

I think I may have to scoop up as many of those canteens as I can and try and sell them at a profit once they run out :tinfoil:

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Mine and my sons packs are both pretty big around 5500 cu.

I think I am going to try and modify the pack and mount something on the strap rather than hanging in front, because I really think that would bother me too.

Thanks to everyone for all these great ideas.

I think I may have to scoop up as many of those canteens as I can and try and sell them at a profit once they run out :tinfoil:

Yeah, after the ban you'll only be able to get ones that hold 10oz or less! Say goodbye to the 30oz'ers!

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Guest janwbrown616

If I"m in the woods then I really don't care if it's concealed or not. If I"m hiking I'd rather have quick access to it. Just as soon carry it on my hip/open...

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