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Everything posted by Fourtyfive

  1. I think you can get one at Kroger..really...I saw one there a few years ago.
  2. All MAC for me , IPAD , IPHONE , ILAP ....
  3. I had thought maybe I was doing something wrong but logging back on and re-entering user name and password seems to be a time limited thing. It didn't used to be that way , cookies or not , time seems to be my problem.
  4. Is the green insert for brains ? What is the BPS ? Brain Per Second ? Oh I see after zooming in , 1000...... And FPS , must be Faces Per Second ....
  5. Is it not available on DVD ? Meant to watch that.
  6. Chicken skin is good tough stuff , I think I will try some next time I hit the surf. Love to beach fish.
  7. I hear ya , just gonna have to wait a while....
  8. I just get impatient , you think outside of tracking it which I did , you could get someone on the phone to tell you it is there in line with the rest of them. I just can't sell someone a gun that I have to say jams....if I get a new frame maybe I will shoot it , but if it jams then once again who would want it. Catch 22 .....
  9. Called 2 days in a row twice , no answer .......Who wants to buy a P380 when it gets back ? Guess posting a price on a non-working gun is unfair , when it gets back will post for sale.
  10. You have been moving some metal these past few weeks !
  11. All my Macs are off and on , usually have to log on most of the time.
  12. Contacted Kahr about my ailing P380 this morning , a friendly Austrailian sounding gentleman asked a few questions and said he would email me a FedEx label to return it. He said it would take about 4 weeks to get it back. Good customer service so far but no label yet. According to some posts lately on the Kahr Talk forum they seem to think they have the problems solved , we will see when it returns.....
  13. I love my Sig 238 but I must have one of these.
  14. Wonder what this will do for people trying to sell the old ones for big $$ now that they are making a newer version of it , no casting all machined ....
  15. Woohoo , news to me.... The Return of the Colt Mustang PocketLite 380 Semi-Auto Pocket Pistol
  16. Absolutely a classic piece , if you ever sell it let me know.
  17. Saw a nice EXO Glock 26 for $579 , may go back tomorrow to get it , got to think if it is worth it.


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