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About porkchop

  • Birthday 05/30/1975

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Kimber Ultra Carry II
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Colt Mustang Pocketlite

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  1. Got mine yesterday. Ruger MKIII Competition. Already added hiviz front sight and got Volquartsen accuarizing kit and Tandemkross parts ordered for the annoying safety features ordered. Now just got to find a good smith to install all my goodies when they get here. I'm stoked!!
  2. I've been to a couple of the shows at Dickson. Usually a pretty big crowd but not many vendors. A lot of junk for sale but not many guns in the past. Tables full of flea market crap for the most part. I live about 15 minutes from the fairgrounds and don't plan on going. I'd rather drive an hour to either guns & leather location and look around. Better deals and don't have to pay for admission.. Just my two cents.
  3. Well I'm glad it worked out for you. It seems I'm always looking for hard to find pistols. Now if I can find a Sig p938 I'll be set for awhile. Good luck with your xds, mine's been flawless so far and it's my favorite pistol.
  4. Yeah I heard it's gonna be identical in size but chambered in 9mm.. It'll be really popular too. I'm well satisfied with my 45. To me the recoil is very manageable. Not what I was expecting from a tiny plastic 45 acp..
  5. Thought I'd let you guys know I just left Guns and Leather and as of now they've got Springfield Xds 45's in stock. They got in 33 of them today... 1 bitone and the rest are all black. Price on the black ones was like $529 or $539 and the bitone was around $579. All the numbers got mixed up in my head but that's close. Better go get you one, mine is one of my all time favorites.
  6. [quote name="Rowdy" post="881480" timestamp="1357916355"]The tone of this article tells me they don't think a weapons ban will happen. They still hope for a hi cap mag ban. [url=http://nyti.ms/Smseon]http://nyti.ms/Smseon[/url][/quote] That's what I gathered from the article. I don't think the gun community needs to budge an inch on any more gun regulations. We all know if you give them an inch they'll try to take a mile. Just my 2 cents..
  7. Thanks for the advice Matt. I'm still on the fence about the texture. I had a Sig Scorpion with the G10 grips with Pirhanna texture and I loved those grips. They're not real comfortable after a long range session, but man are they grippy.
  8. Pretty sure I want the G10 and pretty aggressive. I think now maybe the operator 2 is what I'm gonna get. Now just to figure out the best color on stainless. I'm gonna add the Ed Brown magwell and mainspring housing too so I guess I better make sure the grips are cut for a magwell. I'll post some pictures after all my goodies come in.
  9. Diamondbacks is what I'm thinking not Gatorbacks. I think the Diamondbacks are the most aggressive.
  10. Hey fellas, So I got a new Kimber Stainless II today and I want to order some new VZ grips for it but there's just so many options that I'm kinda overwhelmed. It will probably be a range gun with occasional use for carry. I want something really aggressive and am leaning toward the Gatorbacks. Any opinions on which style and color on a stainless gun would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. It's the gun on the right.
  11. Well I went ahead and went this morning and was pleasantly surprised. I agree with Hozzie, way better than the last few Goodmans shows. I got some trigger work done on a couple of my Glocks so it was worth it that I went. I don't know how tomorrow will be but if your on the fence go ahead and go. There's some deals to be had. FWIW
  12. Looks great. I had a Scorpion with the Hogue g10 grips and loved that Piranha texture. Man it sure made it stick to your hands. Great choice..
  13. Thanks for the info guys. I'll probably do like hipower said and try and wait for a report before driving from Dickson.
  14. I was just wondering if anyone was going to the show this weekend at the Ag Expo in Franklin? I've never been to one of the RK shows and was wondering they're any good. Does anyone know if a Glock Armorer might be there? I was wanting to get some work done on a couple Glocks. Thanks
  15. That looks nice. I'm gonna look into that. Thanks Whiskey


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