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Everything posted by Ugly

  1. I've heard that. Especially if your heating water!
  2. Unfortunately I have a fireplace insert. The only way to add a woodstove is to put it in front of it and pupe it into it. It's a framed fireplace with stone and knotty pine, I'd have to rip down the whole structure to put a regular wood stove.
  3. I've got heat pumps and a fireplaces. Both are less than efficient and I'm thinking about adding an indoor wood furnace. I've got lots of wood available so that is the biggest selling point and adding a wood stove where the fireplace is would be less than easy plus it would leave the rest of the home chilly. Just wondered if anyone here can offer some experience or advice. I've looked at the outdoor units with a boiler and they would be great except for the huge price tag. Thanks!
  4. You guys are the shiznitt! I do however have to admit that I used my two spare dishes for targets and have turned them into Swiss cheese! I could aquire more though. I have hope now, thanks!
  5. Yep, but I'd offer to pay the service. I don't think they really use it like us younger folk. They are retired.
  6. Right on (except for the price) worth looking into if you an get the make model # etc. Using the phone for Internet gobbles up data and Netflix is out of the question.
  7. Thanks Enfield! I've got a clear sight to his place but do have some elevation. I can actually pick up his wifi signal on occasion. I'll look into these!
  8. Hey there folks, I don't have internet on my street but my neighbor does on the cross street, his home is about 1/4 mile away and I'm wondering if there are components I can add to boost his signal and add a receiver at my place to provide wifi at my place. Any advice is appreciated!
  9. Thank you! You gave me the idea of roughing up the exterior where I had the undercoating. It seems to help a lot so far.
  10. I've tried undercarriage coating, it's like rhino lining type stuff. I used it on my alien gear iwb. It worked well but it never seemed to cure completely and since it was black, it would rub off on my shirt. I've heard about liquid latex used in the cosmetic field, I just haven't bothered pursuing that route.
  11. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    No pics other than a fox and a 4 pointer, guess the canine passed through.
  12. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    If I do get pics I will post. I've got a bobcat taunting me too, I've got a sound recording but no pics yet.
  13. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    Just checked the trail cam and nada, I'll leave it for a few days and see what passes by. Thanks for he input folks!
  14. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    I've never seen a big coyote, it could've very well been one if they are that big around here. I hear packs making noise once and awhile. I just hope I get it on canera, otherwise it's all a mystery.
  15. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    [quote name="runco" post="1331645" timestamp="1449328589"] Found this, what did you see? [/quote Definitely #2. I've seen yotes this guy was much bigger! He looked like a grey wolf and not red. Is the 4x5" the size of the track? Just got back looking for tracks, none to be found with my bad eyes and leaf cover. Most of the soil is rocky and he went up a trail I blazed up and down yesterday on the 4 wheeler. I'll go check the camera in a few hours. Edit: the eyes are only bad up close, I've got magnifiers for that.
  16. Ugly

    Wolf sighting

    I've read about the cross breeding too and have read about the introduction into the Smokies. This guy was big though, bigger than any German Shepard I've ever seen and his tail was very bushy. Coincidently I moved the game camera yesterday and left some food in front of it. Hopefully he makes his way up there and I can get a pic. Otherwise I'm pretty stoked! I've never seen a wolf in the wild before.
  17. I am 99% sure I just saw a wolf on my property. I am skeptical but know what I saw. There are a lot of woods around me but I am not nearly as secluded as I would expect would be needed for a wolf to inhabit the woods. I'm in east TN near Dandridge, I can see the smokies and bear have wandered over here. They are loaded with deer turkey and some bobcat. My question, has anyone else seen one in these parts?
  18. Perhaps it new to some. Oh wait, you said Ignore you, ok, as you were!
  19. I don't believe the metric system is American at all! Well, it wasn't before we were a socialist utopia. :/
  20. I am more afraid of unicorns than anything else Mother Nature lets prowl around! I'm afraid they smell like BhO!
  21. I guess they are legal to kill since they don't exist! Nice pic!
  22. A can of potted meat should be thrown at them. Or better yet, a can of libtard!
  23. I have a Kimver Ultra RaptorII and it is the best shooting 1911ive ever had the pleasure to shoot: I reccomend! Of course keep the Springfield and get it fixed.


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