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Everything posted by Ugly

  1. Didn't know all that, thanks! Glad I don't need any. Fer sure. Perhaps it'll start showing back up if a pro gun guy gets in office.
  2. Didn't see the kids and wolves but did showgirls. The view wasn't bad and way better than the day after tomorrow! :)
  3. They could make a few bucks on that one! Hahaha
  4. Last I saw some was at Buds about 2 months ago and it was at least 3 times what I've seen it there before. If I'm not mistaken, this is one of the products dear leader used his pen and phone to curb.
  5. I for one am thankful for dogs with excessive baggage. When they chase me :) I just got back from a ride and this farm dog came shooting out full speed and as I was planning my pass to avoid hitting him or getting bit, I saw him turn and his excess didn't which prevented a hairpin turn! Poor guy! But he was hell bent to stop this 2 wheeled invader. I hope he didn't pull a muscle, geez! Back to the topic, pet snack packages have gotten smaller too. Thank you socialism!
  6. While perception is based on taste, I have found that my taste is different than most critics. The day after wouldn't have been as bad if there weren't so many familiar actors. Inmo I can find humor in cheesy b rate movies, but this.... I've borrowed a head vice from my 3 stooges collector neighbor, gonna see if I can squeeze this memory out!
  7. Didn't they show boobies in that? That is better!
  8. Is there a Hillary movie? I'd believe that before this . Geez! I am soaking my head in a bucket of hydrogen peroxide, hopefully it helps get rid of this memory!
  9. Well, in my 40+ years, tonight I have watched by far the worst movie ever to cross my eyes. It was horrible! It is, "the day after tomorrow". It's about climate carnage! I can find vampires, aliens, zombies and even a good political administration to be more believable. This is, was and will be the worst storyline I've ever seen. I don't think anything can be written worse than this. Luckily it was only a dollar. :)
  10. One more time at this house and I think the only safe option is to destroy the home!
  11. According to the comments the author is off by about $1 a gallon. It is still high though. I would guess the state mandates all kinds of magical chemicals to be added to the fuel to save the environment. I know when I was stationed there (93-97)they came out with a new blend that seemed to like to eat rubber. I had a gas cap leak on my bike not 2 weeks later, did a nice job on my finish as well. Cars were catching fire on the side of the highway, it was rather genius leadership in the way of saving the environment. Once I left there I never looked back. But I would bet there are all kinds of mandated additives in CA gas that adds to the price.
  12. I never considered a vanity tag, this I might though. I've seen them from other states and was overly impressed, they look great! Thanks for sharing.
  13. The price of bread is what set off the French Revolution. Women started it. My point is the prices of everything has been going up and portions are getting smaller to make up the difference. When was the last time you got a full shopping cart for $100?
  14. Good advice above and I agree, a .308 is a better caliber for big game around here. I would also look for a 30/30 lever action like quiet guy mentioned. It is a fantastic woods gun and offers distance as well. That would be my first choice personally. Who needs camo?!? He is young, he doesn't need a scope yet :D
  15. Happier, sure. Then it just keeps getting worse. Do we just accept it until the women finally have enough with bread prices like they did in France? We didn't get here overnight, and I think we will never get back to where we were. This is a case of ignoring reality, but we can't ignore the effects of ignoring reality. Wait till gas prices shoot back up. It'll be smiling faces all around!
  16. To break away from the British imperial system used at the time, since we were cutting ties and all. But we were onboard to adopt the newly designed metric devised by the French until the French became, well, French. Which oddly enough was driven by the Age of Enlightenment types (libs) Personally I could get on board with te metric system under two conditions. 1. We have German quality beer here. With their sizes as well. 2. We erraticate liberalism. https://www.quora.com/When-did-American-leaders-first-reject-the-Metric-System-and-why
  17. Not worth throwing our countries independence away in my opinion.
  18. Sure, mathematically it makes sense but our forefathers had a reason to not adopt it. Why do we need it? So we can be homogenous with the rest of the socialist world? Because nearly everything here is made in China or Japan? Or because or education system has taken out any pride of America out of school?
  19. When was the last time you saw hot wings by the dozen? Perhaps this is part of the libs plan to adopt the metric system, more likely it is just pathetic leadership (from the Reagan years) (hahahahaha)
  20. Besides the non conservative shooter and the non conservative gun provider, the non conservative in chief wants more control, probably to control conservatives. Obama Pledges Gun Control Push Following Kansas Shootings http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/27/obama-pledges-gun-control-push-following-kansas-shootings/
  21. [quote name="btq96r" post="1362073" timestamp="1456629399"] Or the aftereffects of Reaganomics which made companies focus on quarterly returns and short term stock prices instead of long term customer satisfaction through a quality product.[/quote Dear lord man, you skipped both bushes and went right to Reagan. The damage caused by the organizer is going to make the carter years look like a cake walk! Stand by!
  22. This is an effect of companies trying to survive in one of the worst economic times this country has ever seen. Yes, liberal policies of the last 7 years. 100%!
  23. Yeah, because a dr asking about guns is gonna save lives. Demented libtards!
  24. The economy has rebounded, you must be mistaken! Smh This will be a sad part of our society because packaging will never return to what it used to be. Less for more, the liberal effect! Thanks libs!


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