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Posts posted by DaveTN

  1. 12. Flyboy (Air Force), Jar Head (Marines), Grunt (Army), Squid (Navy) etc, are terms of endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Could get your ass kicked.

    Don’t leave out our “Knee deep sailor†friends in the CG. :rolleyes:

    13. Last but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends please remember that there are, literally, thousands of sailors and troops far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our country would get its ass kicked.


    I have served my county both during wartime in the Military, and at home as a Police Officer.

    All those that serve automatically get my respect when sworn in. They have to do something to lose that respect.

  2. Wow thanks. I have DL all those drivers and am willing to give it another shot. How did you find this info?

    Put your model number in on Compaq’s support website and Googled your model number looking for XP, Vista.

    Have fun... :rolleyes:

  3. Glocks are great weapons and everyone that owns one is a professional that has never shot themselves.

    That is until they shoot themselves and then they STFU and you never hear from them again.

  4. Tried that, I hit F11 (system restore) and it just reboots since there is no OS on it.

    It's actually a compaq CQ50-110us

    Here is what Compaq has to say about what you are trying to do.

    I wouldn’t expect them to tell you anything other than they won’t give you support.


    Here is a link to a guy that did it on the same computer you have; and has all the drivers.

    I have no idea who this guy is, or how safe his site is. I just ran across this while looking to see if your computer has a recovery image. It does, but it requires the OS to be running to make a set of DVD’s.


    I wanted XP on it but I don't have the patience for all the crap I'm having to do to get it to work. Lord I wished dos was still around, I could do anything I wanted or needed to.

    If you think back real hard; DOS had it problems also. Besides, DOS is still here; it just has a newer friendlier face. :rolleyes:

    If you can use DOS this problem should be a piece of cake.

    If that guy has all the drivers, all you need to do is..

    Boot off an XP CD

    Change the entire drive to an NTFS partition with a full format.

    Have all network devices connected to the computer.

    Hold you tongue just right.

    Install XP

    Find out what doesn’t work and fix it.

    I doubt that you have any hardware on there that doesn’t have XP drivers.

  5. Many computers have a full system restore that can be invoked with the function keys on start-up. It will return your computer to the way it was when you received it. It’s a non-dos partition that you can’t see; and is not removed in a format. Does your laptop have this?

    What model HP is it?

    You have went this far; I wouldn’t reinstall a system I don’t want. I would install XP. You don’t need the restore disks for that, and have nothing to lose by trying.

  6. First thing you need to do is have a plan on how to get back to where you are now after everything goes to hell in a hand basket.

    Do you have all your data backed up?

    Is your system restore on DVD’s/CD’s or on the hard drive?

    Then look at this….


    Personally I would just format and install XP. Unless you think Vista has something to offer you.

    Once the new program comes out for Vista you can do a system restore and be back where you are now.

  7. If Obama WAS president and HAD said something about going after guns, I could see it.

    But now??????????????????????????

    And have manufactures raised prices? Has Smith & Wesson, Bushmaster or DPMS raised their prices? Have they indicated they are raising prices?

    If they haven’t take the blame off Obama and the gun grabbers and put it right where it belongs….. On the gun distributors.

  8. I will tell you this. The 2 attorneys on the HCP video have law degrees, are current TN Law Enforcement Training Academy Instructors (POST), and are former full time officers in the State of TN. Their knowledge of criminal law and the enforcement there of far exceeds most any Criminal Attorney in the State. What they had to say on the video was NOT written by them. They had to read from a script that a bunch of Civil (lawsuit) minded Attorney's wrote in order to protect them and the State from a lawsuit in which a HCP holder utilizes his firearm for self defense purposes.

    With all due respect you need to offer some evidence of that. You can’t say these guys were the greatest criminal attorneys that ever lived and then turn around and say they were merely puppets reading from a script. That just doesn’t make sense.

    In reality if you are "in fear" for your life or the life of another and use your firearm, you will have to be able to prove that fear. The evidence, combined with your statement, and the statements of witness's (if any), will be the deciding factor in which a DA will make his choice to pursue any criminal charges. Your statement will go along ways in the DA making his decision. That is why I suggest you find a competent Attorney that specializes in criminal defense and call him before you make any statements. You want that legal mind and knowledge with you so that you do not make any mistakes when you decide to give your statement. DA's and investigators know that immediate memory recall and memory recall 2-3 days later are going to be different. The later recall will have more details and sometimes will you will not say the same things as you did during your first statement. That does not make you a liar, it is your body and mind protecting you after a very stressful situation. The DA in your area will not give you a shoot, no shoot situation because that opens them up for liability. The Self Defense law in TN are fairly clear cut and are written in easy to interpret language so that you can look at them and make a determination on right and wrong. Now, does your DA look at it that way? They are not all the same. You can request a opinion for the State Attorney Generals Office and they may be willing to give you one. I would say that he has already made his decision and it is of public record, you just have to find it (maybe midtennchip knows where to look).

    We have all offered our opinions on what the laws are and what you should do after a shooting; add yours to he list.

    What your District Attorney in Anderson County may prosecute could be different than what the Rutherford or Davidson County District Attorney's would do.

    I’m not saying that this discussion would be limited to the use of deadly force. Look at some of the threads here on vehicle searches; they are filled with ignorance. Then people wonder how their kids end up in jail after a traffic stop.

    I don’t buy for one second that most Attorneys or representatives from the District Attorneys Office would be worried about liability of discussing the law with citizens. As citizens I think it is fair for us to ask that of them. (Not private attorneys, but those that are public officials.)

    But, as I said; I’m just throwing an idea out.

  9. I assume thats SP1 for Vista? I saw it out there and decided to not install it. I'll wait a few months.

    I'm a big unix/linux guy and I use it for real work and I really prefer it for development. But the office runs on doze, so I have to run that too. Running doze on a VM is nice...that way you can set it back to t0 and it never knows the difference.

    What are you using for a VM?

  10. I was hoping our savior, the great and mighty "O" would put me back on my feet financially,

    Unless you “Job†is lying on the couch watching Oprah; don’t hold your breath.

    I have several, my “preferred†depends on where I am going. :D

  11. Prices should be allowed to increase naturally in the face of increased demand; this is an effective means of conserving a limited resource. To insist otherwise is, frankly, no different from embracing Obama's economic ideas of "fairness."


    The story is written by a fruitcake that apprently needs to put a “feel good†spin on price gouging for those committing what should be criminal acts.

    The only time he seems to be having a lucid moment is his last statement. :)

    The fallout from Hurricane Katrina has featured a lot of ignorance and demagoguery about prices.

    Politicians of both parties have rushed in to exploit public ignorance and emotion.

    Educating people about pricing is not ignorance or explotation. But those words have the shock value he wanted.

    It reminds me of when Nashville made national news because someone posted on the internet that Nashville was going to run out of gas. While prices were going down everywhere else, they shot up in Nashville. There was no shortage in Nashville; people reacting to bad information caused the prices to climb.

    This time of the year always has high gun sales (Hunting season, Christmas). Are they flying off the selves because of Obama being elected? I don’t know; I haven’t went out to look. But is does not appear that is the case locally.

    I don’t think “fear buying†will help anyone including the gun dealers. Prices may spurt for awhile but I don’t think most of us are going to pay a hundred or two more for a gun today than we would have paid on Monday. Most will just wait.

    Gun are not like gas; those that know they need them didn’t wait until Wendsay to buy them.

    I realize that he is a Profferor of Economics and I am not. But here are a group of people he names in his colum that have acess to the best econimists in the county.

    The Bush administration, Justice Department, the Federal Trade Commission, Congress, The Illinois Govenor, Texas Attorney General and Alabama Attorney General

  12. Since Katrina when the oil companies doubled gas prices for a shortage that did not exist; creating some kind of “emergency†to jump prices has become the norm.

    Now it’s the firearms industry’s turn. :)

    How about it local dealers… are you raising prices?

    I got this email from Buds.

    Dear Dave,

    It took a couple of days, but we have managed to stabilize our replacement cost on our best selling ARs and AKs. As reported on ABCs Nightline tonight, distributors nationwide raised prices as much as 200 percent on Wednesday. Our website prices are updated hourly 24/7 to reflect our current replacement cost on each make/model. We have since contacted each of our distributors and secured our reorder costs through the end of this year.

    For example, the very popular Doublestar Mil-Spec M4 A3 .223 has returned to the original price of $699 Delivered.

    Also back to $699 Delivered, the Century International Arms Model RI965X Black Synthetic 223.

    Earlier this week we ordered just about every AR we could get our hands on. As a result, we have hundreds of ARs enroute to us now via UPS. We are offering reserve orders, first come -first serve, on some of these incoming firearms, like the Smith & Wesson M&P 15R 5.45X39, Model 811011 for $879 Delivered.

    With all these .223 AR rifles flying off the shelves, you can bet ammo prices are the next thing to skyrocket. We have you covered there also. Our PMC .223 ammo currently remains at our pre-election price of $6.99 per box.

    We appreciate your patience during this very difficult time. We will continue to work extremely hard to bring you the best prices we possibly can.

    From another story....

    Barack Obama said he would improve the economy. Turns out he already has, at least in one retail niche: gun sales.

    Starting in the days before the election, gun shops have been mobbed by buyers who fear that Obama and a larger Democratic majority in Congress will restrict firearm sales.

    Many were stocking up on things such as assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and handguns that they think would be the most likely targets of new laws, though practically everything related to shooting has been selling more quickly.

    "It's been an absolute madhouse," said Trey Pugh, a manager at Jim's Pawn Shop in Fayetteville, which is selling 15 to 20 AR-15 assault rifles a day. "I'm getting guys come in and say I always wanted that gun, and give me that one too and that one and, oh, I need a gun safe, too."

    Distributors are running out of assault rifles, he said, and prices are rising.

    On the stump, Obama didn't discuss sweeping changes to gun laws. But his stance that local authorities should be able to make "sensible" laws has worried some, as has the fact that many Democrats in Congress favor additional restrictions. The National Rifle Association, among others, stoked these fears during the election.

    Many purchases appear to be panic buying, Pugh said, because the government could not pass new gun laws before next year. Between the election, fears that the sour economy will spur more crime, hunting season and Christmas sales, the next couple of months will likely be wild for firearms dealers, he said.

    "Everybody, and I mean everybody, is buying guns right now," Pugh said.

    Stores in North Carolina, such as Young Guns in Apex and Perry's in Wendell, reported hectic sales and lines at cash registers.

    "It's been tremendous," said Barry Perry of Perry's Guns in Wendell. "We have so many customers that parking has been a problem."

    Online gun and shooting supply shops say sales in recent weeks climbed along with Obama's poll numbers.

    At Villagetactical.com in Oklahoma City, which concentrates mainly on gun parts, sales have doubled since summer, said owner Andy Glunt.

    "Some of them have said that they think if they don't buy it now, they won't be able to later," he said.

    Fears of more regulation were fueled by an NRA campaign that said Obama would crack down on guns. That notion was amplified in gun forums such as glocktalk.com and AR15.com, where swarms of posters talked of having bought "Obama guns" or detailed election-related gun and ammo purchases. Some even speculated on things such as how a firearms confiscation plan would work. (:eek::D)

    It's hard to gauge the likelihood of new laws. Obama has said that local jurisdictions should be able to impose regulations on guns to reduce crime on city streets. At the same time, he said owning guns, including handguns, is an American tradition and should remain legal.

    Obama, who taught constitutional law, has said that he believes gun ownership is an individual right.

    It's also unclear whether a serious push for regulation is likely from Congress. The number of Democrats there who support gun rights has been increasing. Also, the party fell short Tuesday of winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, leaving Republicans leverage against laws they don't like.

    Still, many gun owners fear that Obama will cave in to demands from members of his party who harbor extreme anti-gun views, said Wayne LaPierre, vice-president of the NRA.

    Obama campaigned as a supporter of gun rights, but the media never pinned him down completely on contradictions in his record, LaPierre said.

    "The reason gun sales are rising is that gun owners and second amendment enthusiasts are justifiably suspicious," he said.

    A Clinton-era ban on some semi-automatic assault weapons and parts such as high-capacity, military-style magazines was a political disaster for the Democrats, said LaPierre. The party would pay an even higher political toll if Obama broke the implicit promises he made to gun owners during the campaign.

    Alan Chapman, an IT professional who lives in Durham, bought a rifle similar to the AK-47 and a semi-automatic handgun in recent weeks because he expects tighter laws and higher prices. A neighbour bought a handgun for the same reason, he said.

    "I just wish I could afford more," Chapman said. "Prices are going to go up after the election just based on fear."

    He thinks the Democrats could attack concealed carry permits, but that the most likely change is a new assault weapons ban.

    Longtime handgun owner Bob Nitchke of Mooreseville, who posts on glocktalk.com, isn't thrilled with the possibility of more regulation. But he thinks the panic over Obama is out of proportion to any threat.

    "I don't think anything is going to happen, particularly in the first couple of years," he said. "I just don't think it's a priority right now, because they've got bigger things to deal with, like the economy."

    Anything that's more extreme than the assault weapons ban, such as a bill to stop handgun sales, would be a political disaster, and just seems unlikely.

    "What I do know is that gun stores are making a lot of money," he said.

    Glunt, the owner of the online shop, said he wasn't completely happy about that windfall.

    "I'd rather have business a little slower and not have a threat to our second amendment," he said.


  13. Thoughts, Comments, and views please………

    Okay here goes… :yuck:

    If you are using sights you are not defensive shooting you are target shooting.

    If you are doing target shooting that allows any kind of optics; why not get a handgun scope and just have one hole in the center of your target? :D

  14. No, but if you don’t already have it here is some info that may help you in your search.


    Inn keeping was only one of the Beans’ talents. They were also master gunsmiths. This

    skill helped them and their countrymen to defeat the British and settle the frontier. At

    least twelve Beans through at least four generations made guns in the same region for one

    hundred and fifty years. Captain Bean taught his sons the art of making guns and

    although he practiced it little himself, his sons William, Jr., Robert, John, Jesse, Edmund,

    George, and Russell made many rifles.

  15. I think having some of the instructors (where are you, Todd) chiming in on this would be good, but as I understand it, they are not allowed to deviate very much from the state approved course outline. With that said, I do think having a more thorough discussion on the subject would be great in those classes. However, attorneys generally are NOT going to give much "advice" on a forum or in a handgun class. Why? They become targets for legal malpractice suits.

    I’m not suggesting they teach it. I understand there is not time. I have already heard what they have to say. Nothing against them, but they are not qualified to answer legal questions. Todd is a working Police Officer, he has had criminal law training, experience in the courts and at crime scenes and (I would guess) has access to the States Attorney’s Office. Most instructors don’t have that.

    Have you been to a carry class? They have a video of a couple of attorneys discussing the use of deadly force. Have they had malpractice suits filed against them?

    I’m not talking about free legal advice on someone’s case; I’m talking about an open discussion on the carry laws, use of deadly force, traffic stops, and all the other stuff that comes up. What made me think of this is some of the statements made here that are just wrong.

    However.. if we couldn’t get attorneys or prosecutors to participate; the point is moot.

    I knew the law where I was from. A Police in Illinois has more criminal law training than an attorney, unless that attorney specializes in criminal law. I know that’s not a popular statement to make here; but I would guess the same is true for Tennessee Officers.

    When reading the Illinois law; I would sometimes need clarification or access to case law. I don’t have that in Tennessee.

    It’s just an idea.


    Unofficial Resident Lawyer

    Are you a practicing Criminal Defense Attorney?

    Would you be willing to help in your area? :D

    Good answer. I see it as being a bad idea in general. The laws are the las and you decide at the time to pull the trigger or not. To much second guessing getting charged will make you hesitate and get you killed.

    Thanks for your opinion, but I respectfully disagree.

    Too much knowledge will never get you killed. But not enough could not only take away your very freedom but could devastate your family financially.

  16. You guys are nuts. :up:

    Are economy is failing. The only way for it to recover is for our manufacturing base to recover. However, we just elected a President that thinks he will be able to rape and pillage American companies to help out those that want to sit at home on the couch and watch Oprah. More companies will be leaving.

    And you are worried that the government is going to come after your guns? Give me a break; they are going to have their hands full.

    But hey, look at the bright side. We just elected a minority President. After all that is what is most important isn’t it?

  17. Just wanted to see what some people thought about a Glock 26 for self defense.

    I think there are better choices. But that’s just my opinion. Besides that… it’s election day man… celebrate by buying an American made handgun. :P

    This is my daily carry gun but im worried about its stopping power and Im considering upgrading to a .40 or .45.

    Something has caused you concern, so why would you not want to “upgrade�

    What Calibers do you carry?

    .40S&W, .357Mag, and .45ACP

    Only one at a time though. I only carry one gun at a time. :D


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