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Posts posted by DaveTN

  1. Im just telling you what a judge told us in our Politcal Science Class. He said dont give consent to search your vehicle make them get a warrant or provide probable cause. If they dont have a dog on the scene they cant make you wait for another unit to bring one. He said if they hold you to wait for a dog tell them you want to speach to their superior. Are there any Lawyers on this forum that can clear this up?

    There has been much discussion here on this subject, but I can’t find the threads now.

    Anyone…. Whether it be a Judge, Attorney, cop, or internet poster that tells you to refuse a request to search, or the cops need a warrant to serach your car without knowing the circumstances; is a simpleton.

    From the time those lights come on behind you to the time the traffic stop is over EVERYTHING you say and do could have consequences.

    Sure they can tell you…“Don’t allow a search, and don’t make a statementâ€. Are they going to be helping you get into College or get a security clearance with an arrest record? I’m guessin’… no.

    I’ve searched and impounded hundreds of cars without a warrant.

    Be educated. If you want to know what is going to happen on a traffic stop; ask a cop not an attorney (Preferably a cop in the area in question). If you want to know what s going to happen in court ask an attorney or a judge.

  2. Because you are an "ONly ONe" responsible enough to carry a gun, correct?

    Someone needs to read the Bill of Rights again, as well at the State Constitution.


    Go back and read what you quoted me as saying and let us all know where in any part of that I said I should be allowed to carry a gun into a gun show.

    It is unlawful for 97% of the population of this state to carry a firearm. What part of either Constitution do you want me to read? What part of either Constitution are you claiming gives you a right to possess a firearm anywhere off your property?

  3. The scenario you described is just as valid for an armed non-LEO. You are not the only one with a 'moral code', sir... The point is simply that the law does not recognize either of our 'moral codes' as an authority... it simply sets forth specific limitations which are largely similar, as Fallguy is pointing out. The only exception is when you are on-duty and acting in an official capacity. Pointing that out is not 'disrespect' or 'indignation'. All responsible civilians (yes, LEOs are civilians) should be able to carry anywhere they have a right to be... not some kind of class-structured double-standard based on a person's profession (which is ludicrous, when you stop and think about it).

    I have asked this question before and I am not sure I have ever got a good answer. This is a question to guys that know Tennessee law; not an argument.

    As a Police Officer in Illinois there was no “On-duty†or “Off-duty†when it came to firearms or Police Powers. City and County jurisdictions were more a courtesy than the law. Our (sworn Police Officers) jurisdictions were the borders of the state.

    To be a Police Officer in Illinois, whether it be a City Police Officer, County Deputy, or a State Trooper; you had to be certified by the state as a sworn Police Officer. This did not included auxiliary deputies or cops and did not included corrections officers. They operated under city or county rules.

    We were required to act when we saw a person in danger. Is that different in Tennessee? It’s hard to act if you are unarmed. We carried our guns everywhere… bars, hospitals, court, everywhere. The only place I remember having to disarm was to enter the jail.

    I am no longer a cop, but would probably act if I saw a person in danger. You say that LEO’s are civilians in Tennessee. So if I decided to act am I acting with the same qualified immunity that a Police Officer has?

    Put whatever name you like on them but, Police Officers and Civilians are no different in the eyes of the law?

  4. Tung, don't worry about it..we're all well armed enough to take THEIR weapons when the time comes to do so.

    I'm thinking that he's going to try and set up to be the 1st dictator after the fall of liberty.

    I respectfully call :lol:

    I agree with your feelings, but there are not enough Patriots left in this country to make a stand. If our economy fails; the fall of liberty will follow.

    Our economic problems are the fault of the people. We don’t have the government to blame or other countries; only the American people.

    If they will sell their country out to save a few bucks on a foreign made product what makes you think they would defend it with their life? They won’t.

    These are not the same people that went to war or work to save their country in WWII; no where close.

    Sorry man; I’m on your side, but look around you.

  5. Wow. I never thought in my lifetime I would see people having a serious conversation about taking up arms against our government.

    Our President is merely a figurehead; he can’t do much on his own. It would require Congress, The Justice Department, The Department of Defense, and The Supreme Court of the United States to stand by and do nothing for him to do some of the things suggested here.

    But then… I never thought I would see someone named Barack Hussein Obama, with possible terrorist ties and questionable citizenship running for president. I guess we will know how that turns out tomorrow.

  6. I think there are professionals that would volunteer their time if they were approached right. While they might not be real keen on posting on a forum they may be willing to have open discussions.

    You can make up specific problems or questions (scenarios). Our meetings as cops went great with the States Attorneys because we got to discuss specifics of what their interpretations are. Defense attorneys are also a great source of information from a different viewpoint. They won’t discuss on going cases (they can’t if they are involved in them) but they are generally willing to discuss different scenarios in general.

    I’m also not talking about having a debate with them or between guests. You ask questions and you hear what they have to say. You can then make your own judgments based on what you hear from informed personnel instead of just reading the law and making Wag’s.

    I just think it’s important. I have seen a lot of people jailed because of bad information. It’s usually young people and that’s just not fair to them when they are listening to their parents who may be clueless.

  7. Looking at GB for P85’s that completed in the last 90 days brings up about 133 auctions. Of those only 13 had bids. Of those 13 it looks like only two actually sold and they went for under $200. Even of the ones that didn’t sell; most were priced under $300.

    I don’t pretend to know anything about the P85, but that’s just a way to check prices and cut through the BS of high asking prices and see what they really sell for.

  8. When I was a cop we had access to the law and to those that would be making the decisions on what would go to trial. We could meet with our county States Attorney and get first hand his interpretations of a given law. We also had access to the top criminal defense attorneys in the area that were usually happy to give their opinions.

    One of the glaring problems I see with the HCP classes (or this forum) is that there are no representatives there from the people that will decide if your case is pursued.

    I understand that there is not a lot of time in these classes to discuss all the laws dealing with firearms and the use of deadly force. So I would like to suggest the following…

    Maybe we could get some groups together for a meeting in the evening or on a Saturday in our respective areas and invite some of the people involved to speak to us and answer questions. I can assure you that Prosecutors and Defense attorneys will not be giving out the same information. So maybe we could meet with both and hear both opinions.

    What do you guys think?

  9. i have always believed that no records are ever destroyed. maybe someone can or will prove this old man wrong.

    You are correct but how could it be proven to these that don’t believe it?

    The Police Department I worked for in Illinois keeps all arrest records and they are available. I don’t care if your charges were dismissed or even if you have an expungment; the arrest is still there. It would not show up on a record check for a firearm purchase, but if you applied for a job as a Police Officer or the military did a security back-ground check the arrest would show. You may never know that it was a factor in you being turned down.

    In this case a worker made a mistake. From quickly reading through that story it appears the problem was fixed.

    Guns can be traced. It is done everyday. Even through private sales.

  10. “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.†- Barrack Hussein Obama[


    What does he think Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, Secret Service, and all the other alphabet soup agencies are? If you want more repeal Posse Comitatus.

    Just as well funded?? All of those agencies have better equipment than our troops on the ground in Iraq.

    This guy is the most dim witted unqualified MoFo I have ever seen run for office. And he scares the hell out of me because I think he will win this election. The minorities want to put a minority in as President and they don’t care what he stands for; just that he is a minority.

  11. Went to buy the keltec today, when i got there i found out the gun had been sold, just before i got there, and they hope to get a few more in middle of the week.


    I doubt you will find any “deals†at any of the shows around here. I have been looking at them. I wouldn’t buy unless it was from a dealer with a warranty.

    If you are ready to buy; I would shoot IM’s to forum supporting dealers and see what happens. That usually gets me a good price; plus it supports the forum. thumbsup.gif

  12. It’s not a collectable (although they are no longer made) but there are those out there that think Colts made during that time were some of the best. (I’m not one of them so don’t start with me ;)) A 1980’s Colt is as good as one made today.

    It is doing nothing but appreciating. Unless he needs to sell it to get the Kimber; I would keep it. But if he has to sell it to get the Kimber I would bet he could trade straight across (or close to it) if he advertised it.

    I’m curious to hear why he would want to trade a stainless frame Colt for an aluminum frame Kimber?

    To answer your question; I looked on GB at the ones that actually sold in the last 90 days. They sold for $785, $850, and $800.

  13. No, but my M&P .40 Compact is thicker than a 1911 and they say the .45 compact is even thicker.

    “Compact†is kinda misleading. These are full size guns with a little cut off the ends. :D

    I traded off my full size and then got a compact. But now I think I’m going to go back to the full size. It’s no harder to conceal and I get 15 rounds of .40 instead of 10.

  14. As I've said in another thread, I've worked in LE....I guess one reason that I don't still is I just couldn't puff out my chest far enough and act like I was always right and everyone else was always wrong. That I knew I couldn't simply come and go and do as I please, that the law still applies to those that enforce it.

    Oh please…:D So all those that stayed in LE have lower standards or principals than you?

  15. You seem to think that everywhere I go is on "official business" its not. Although you seem to feel that LEO's shouldn't be afforded special privileges under TN or Federal law, we are. If the venue is open to the public, its no longer private property in which you are viewing it. Its not like your home, its is now a general public access area. While the property owners or those renting the property are allowed to chose whether or not the allow a HCP holder to carry on those premises is within the law, they cannot deny LEO's whether they are on duty or not. TN law allows us to carry and our departments require us to carry our identification and weapon at all possible times. In our respective jurisdictions or not. Like I said before, if you don't like that we are afforded "special" privileges, you can join us at any time, if you meet the qualifications. What you don't seem to understand from my original post was this, I don't feel that those who have went through the necessary steps to obtain their HCP should be denied entry to a place while carry their weapon, leaving them and others without means of proper defense against a violent attack. I feel that these citizens are responsible persons for the most part. You seem to be more worried about where I can carry, not where you can. Your focus is on the wrong issue.

    I think you should be able to be armed 24/7 anywhere in the state. That’s how it was in my state. Thanks for your service.


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