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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. I'd spend my extra money on ammo or reloading supplies, a good holster and belt, and extra magazines. Practice will make the combination of you and the pistol more accurate than anything you can add on to it.
  2. There is one company who has been making these for quite a few years now, which no one has mentioned........COLT!
  3. Vince Young has really developed well, huh? I still ask "why the h3ll isn't Jay Cutler wearing a Titan's jersey??!!??
  4. That's what I was looking for; not a definite number. Thanks.
  5. A clean barrel will affect your point of impact much more than temperature. The colder the ambient temeperature, the lower a rifle will shoot, but the effect is negligible; unless you are hunting polar bear or the like. I suggest you fire a fouling shot after scrubbing your bore before hunting.
  6. Great looking site! How many vendors have committed to the first show already?
  7. Nice shotgun. I didn't realize they had 3" chambers. As others said, I would stick to 2-3/4" loads. They are much easier on the shoulder and wallet anyway. If you just want to shoot some clay pigeons, I'd just get #8 field loads. They are still quite economical at WalMart or Academy Sports, especially right now; just before dove season.
  8. I'm going with this one.
  9. If it's what I think it is, you can shoot any 2-3/4" shells you can get your hands on through it. I doubt it was chambered for 3" shells. Those guns lock up like a bank vault, and the smokeless powder designation on the barrels means it has been proff tested for high pressure loads. The Ithaca doubles, while not as talked about as the Parkers and such, are the cream of the crop as far as I'm concerned. I hunt with an Ithaca 12 guage double.
  10. You stole it and you'll likely love it. :up:I sure wouldn't sell mine for that.
  11. Those little loaders are neat. I've never owned one, but I might have to give one a try sometime.
  12. gregintenn

    22lr Handgun

    Smith and Wesson 617.
  13. Here is what a "Caracal" looks like. That could well have been what I saw.
  14. Didn't they rename that community? Hispanioch?
  15. You mean no one's suggested the Dickerson Pike/Trinity Lane area? I'd stay plumb out of Davidson County if I could.
  16. I know I'll be ridiculed for posting this, but two or three years ago, I saw something cross my yard that I can't positively identify. It was cat-like, way larger than a bobcat, of which I see regularly, and had a long, curved tail. It appeared to be dark in color. Never saw it again. I've heard several other accounts of seeing large cats; some sounded credible, so not so much.
  17. They went extinct here. I haven't seen any for over six months.
  18. No lock=good Lock=bad
  19. Ever consider working on it yourself? You can find all the info you need on the web, save a lot of money, and there is a certain satisfaction on recieves from fixing it yourself.
  20. Aside from chopping firewood, do you really do these other activities?
  21. Do you guys find a lot of use for a tomahawk?
  22. Depends on if I'm buyin' or sellin'.
  23. I've heard there are some really nice sporting clays ranges in Tunica Mississippi. I haven't been there personally, however.


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