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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. Well, good on Cracker Barrel for owning up to their mistake. Question is, do they not know who their customers are?
  2. His argument makes about as much sense any of the ones coming from the left.
  3. You're speaking of the hatred and intolerance towards anyone who dares to voice their opposition to the gay mafia, right?
  4. I called your argument lazy. I didn't call you lazy. Do you understand the difference? I stand by it. Just because Jesus isn't on record in the NT targeting homosexuality is not an indicator that he approved of it. That's the argument that I think is lazy because everyone on that side of it repeats it like it's some kind of mantra. It doesn't prove anything.
  5.   Read Matthew 19:4. He didn't talk about two men or two women. He spoke of a man and a woman ONLY. If you can interpret it any other way, then I can't help you.
  6.   Sorry, that's a lazy argument. Jesus isn't on record about many things. However, He CLEARLY defined marriage as between a man and a woman. I think that pretty much settles it as far as Jesus is concerned.   He was about forgiveness, but only after there was repentance.
  7.   Me too! But I found some other stuff in there.
  8. Shhhh. They don't want anyone to know that.
  9. Some of you seem to be clairvoyant. Wish I had the ability to read minds.
  10. My understanding is that they do not. Is Duck Commander associated with the TN lottery? Jesus does not. Neither do I nor does anyone else here. Are you trying to make a point?
  11. The way I'm hearing is that Phil said he used to work with them in the fields and that they never complained or had the attitude that they were victims. He said they were happy people. I guess we'll see when the video appears.   Look, we all know the LGBT folks are going to try and spin this just like they do everything else.
  12.   I vote for this as the best post in the thread!  :usa:   'Murica!!
  13.   A&E owns and controls the Duck Dynasty brand, not the Robertson family. Non-issue.   And I always find the "Jesus never addressed homosexuality" bluff to be humorous.   Jesus never contradicted Himself, so it's pretty safe to say that because He defined marriage as between a man and a woman in Matthew 19:1-8, He wouldn't have turned around and said gay marriage was OK.
  14. Armchair quarterbacking - it's easier than taking the hits yourself.
  15. And my bet is that she is representative of a large number in the LGBT population. I find it amazing that there seem to be many who are self-appointed spokespeople for groups of people with whom they have no affiliation.
  16. Calling sin what it is is not passing judgement.
  17. Sorry, but I'm very selective about who I do that with.
  18. What does that have to do with the quote?
  19. Also this... "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." - Rick Warren
  20. Saw this on Facebook today: "Man on TV disagrees with LGBT lifestyle - the left explodes with indignation. Islamic world subjects gays to violent murder just for being gay - silence. I think we've found the double standard." That about sums it up.


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