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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. I wouldn't even have followed her. Call 911 and let the law handle it from there.
  2. Really? terrorism   ter·ror·ism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
  3. Hard to know what to recommend without knowing what you're going to use it for.
  4. Be careful, you'll be put in the corner with the rest of us homeyphobes....
  5.   Who are you kidding? That might be what you would do, but I would simply tell him to have a nice day and that I would not be back.   Don't guarantee something if you can't deliver.
  6. Please direct me to that part of the Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right of a gay couple to force someone to sell them a wedding cake.
  7. It's common knowledge what their practice is regarding homosexuals, but for some strange reason, the left still embraces them.
  8.   Even so, I only have to obey the law; I don't have to agree with it. Behavior modification is not the role of government.
  9.   Racial discrimination.... lifestyle discrimination.   Not the same thing.   Frankly, I'm so damned tired of everyone screaming "DISCRIMINATION!!!!", I think I'll go watch a John Wayne movie.
  10.   That's my understanding of the application of the law, but is it unlawful between two private parties at the state level?
  11.   That's how I've always said it. I hear a lot of people say it the other way, however.
  12.   No, he didn't. He refused to sell them one because it was against his principles. Why do the gays have rights and he doesn't?   Let's say that I have a house for sale. It was my parents' house and the one I grew up in. A gay couple comes along and wants to buy it. I decide I don't want to sell my childhood home to them, because I don't think my Mom and Dad would approve of it.   Would I be violating the gay couple's constitutionally protected rights because I refused to sell it to them? Or do I have the right to decide who I want to sell it to, regardless of the reason? Would they have the right to FORCE me to sell it to them?
  13. This is the problem with setting up protected classes of people. Their special rights always seem to trample on the mundane rights of others.   Can anyone tell me that this was the intent of the founders?
  14.   How were the rights of the gay couple violated? Did they have a constitutional right to buy a wedding cake from that particular baker?
  15.   And I know some who aren't and I know people who are not gay who are very "tolerant". Not sure what any of that has to do with the discussion.
  16.   Dave, does he, as a private business owner, have the right to "discriminate"? Do you have the right to "discriminate" against someone whose actions offend you?
  17.   It was kind of a rhetorical question, but thanks for pointing out the obvious.
  18. ...people think your wife is your daughter.
  19. Constitutionally protected rights are not subject to the tyranny of unchecked emotion.


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