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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. Have you contacted Kershaw about the torsion bar on your Leek? If I'm not mistaken, they will either replace it for you if you send it to them or send you a new torsion bar for you to install yourself. They have an excellent customer service department and will take care of the problem.
  2. Through my own stupidity I learned not to bring up the issue, nor to open my mouth if someone else does. I'm through trying to debate imbeciles, even the ones in my own family.
  3. I always choose an establishment that doesn't prohibit the law - abiding from exercising their constitutionally protected rights.
  4. If they had wanted it to be truthful and accurate, they would have depicted Trayvon holding George down while beating his head against the pavement.
  5. First show I went to was at the Ag Center when Bob Pope was still organizing them. That was several years ago and it was great. The entire hall was filled with vendors and attendees. Since RK took over, it's gone steadily downhill ever since. I won't even waste my time on it anymore.
  6. Between the SA Loaded Champion and the M&P 45c, the M&P gets pretty much all of the carry time.
  7. My dad participated in this several years ago by video interview. He was a P-47 pilot in the Pacific Theatre.
  8. It's hilarious how objections to the gay mafia are always met with derision and ridicule. I will not comply.
  9. That expression was around long before the homos started demanding that everyone has to like them.
  10. ^^^^^ This. I am also damned tired of having it shoved down my throat. I don't care what two fudge packers or two lesbos want to do in the privacy of their own space, but I personally find their overt public displays of gaydom revolting.
  11. They also have long sleeve tees, sweatshirts, hoodies and caps. Going back today or tomorrow to get a ls tee.
  12. Why do people drive the the left hand lane on the interstate?
  13. Found this today when I stopped by the local pharmacy in McCaysville, GA: They also have this sign posted at the entrance:
  14. Christmas dinner will be prime rib, mashed potatoes, fried apples, garlic bread, and a spinach salad. A blueberry, peach, apple, and cherry pie (all in one) from Sam's and vanilla ice cream will be dessert.
  15. Dumb question: How do you determine how much power you need? Is it based on total square feet of your building or something else?
  16.   I agree; it's not as good as it used to be. Service is not as good either. But it's still a good place to meet and visit and share some biscuits and gravy.
  17.   Not until they post.   And just for the record, I love their Sunday chicken.
  18.   What's "white trash" about their company name?
  19.   I'm puzzled at the fact that CB doesn't seem to know who their customers are.
  20. Uh oh... some pro gay folks ain't gonna be happy, happy, happy....


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