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Everything posted by tntnixon

  1. This video actually shows you how it's done!!!
  2. Get an AK pistol, they're great for shooting BGs and walks in the park. All kidding aside, the AK is the SHTF weapon o'choice. Lots of ammo, rarely jam, lots of stopping power and all in a relatively easy to handle platform. I have a few and if I ever have to bug out, I'll probably leave the AR and grab the AK unless, of course, I can grab both.
  3. As of this afternoon, the annual I'm 13 And My Dad Bought Me A Dirtbike Extravaganza, has begun. So, for the next 3 months (they'll be all taken back after that) I'll have to carefully avoid illegal drivers, on illegal vehicles, doing illegal stuff in my neighborhood. Happens every Christmas. I'm shocked none of them have been killed yet because they pull right out in front of you and sometimes think it's cool to play "chicken". Why do parents do this? Don't they see how the other kids behave on these things? Don't they ever think, maybe I should take little Timmy somewhere where it's legal to ride? And if you just bought your son/daughter one for Christmas, I'm sure they'll drive it very safely, while they're still within your eyesight.
  4. God knows how many of us are on "a list", just for being members of this forum.
  5. The thing I don't like about Ruger is that there is no explicit warranty. So you're, more or less, at the whim of whoever is running Ruger at any given time. While, they have been generally good at service, if management changes hands, they can refuse service at any time.
  6. The kid just asked how it was a moral issue, so I told him. I made a general statement that never referenced anyone specifically. This is just the reason why most (not all) of our mothers and grandmothers told us not to get tattoos. Most of the older ladies actually did believe in something and tried to pass that on to us as children. A few of us (actually a lot of us), continued those beliefs into adulthood.
  7. My wife made a donation to them, once. She thought it was to help the puppies until we started getting all this radical "bomb the chicken factory" stuff in the mail. Maybe they're not as radical, but they sure sold our address to some radical groups.
  8. Do you know anything about biblical law? Do you really believe that everyone convicted was absolutely guilty? Probably not. However, God set forth a legal system that tried and punished because he wanted to protect the society. The key is trying to get it right, not necessarily always getting it right because the results of not having a system that removes the guilty from it's midst, is far more devastating. By the way, Poak asked how tattoos were a moral issue and I told him. I didn't knock on his door Bible in hand.
  9. Here's where you will see a huge difference between the older and the very young. When you're my age, or older, tatoos represent the ultimate in bad decision making. First of all, most of us are Christians or Jews, and Leviticus 19:28 clearly condemns the practice "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD" (can't be more clear). So the thinking is that if you clearly and blatantly defy your god for perpetuity, you're probably not of good moral character. Secondly, mostly younger people get "tats" and have relatively low incomes, as opposed to us. Tattoo are not cheap. So, in escence we see that one has made a financial sacrifice, mabe even a necessity, for something that is frivolous. We tend to call that bad decision making. We, of the older generations actually believe in a true right and a true wrong and usually base these things on our faith. Unfortunately, the younger generations are taught a kinder and gentler faith. One that has no absolutes, even when there is scriptural evidence to the contrary. I normally wouldn't go into this on this site, but you asked. I got your back on this one, Jack.
  10. Dud, You have read my mind. I've been saying this for years, only I think they should use New Orleans.
  11. I actually had a patient with a similar, if not exact wound. It's actually a heartwarming Christmas story. It was my first job as an RN. I was working in the ER in a rural community 50 miles east of Nashville on Christmas Eve. I had just come on duty when there was a knock on the Emergency Room door. When I opened the door there was a man and his grandson-in-law holding each other up. The older man had a large wound in his chest, and his shirt was soaked in blood. The younger man had a large gash on his forehead and was also covered in blood. I immediately brought them in and we began treating them and the story unfolded as to "How this happened". It seems there was a family gathering and after much drinking of moonshine and partaking of various other chemicals an arguement erupted (the subject of which neither could remember). But at some point grampa called the younger man a "Son-of-a-bitch" and proceeded to hit him in the head with a fire poker. After the poker strike, the grandson-in-law grabbed the shotgun off the wall and shot grampa in the chest at point blank range. They then got in the truck and drove to the hospital together (granson-in-law drove because grampa was too drunk). The cool thing was grampa's wound. It was about 5cm in diameter and had a cavity that extended just under the skin that you could put your hand in and feel around, even feeling the shot in there. It seem that grampa was rather obese and had his 20 gauge loaded with bird shot (hand loaded I might add). The shot hit his sternum but could not penetrate and instead made the coolest wound I've ever seen. The heartwarming part is that after all this, they both declined to press charges because they loved each other and were, after all, family. I can't make this stuff up.
  12. This discussion has become a "Memphis Sucks" thread. And yes, memphis does indeed suck. If anyone wants to know why, I'll tell them. It's because the vast majority of Memphians suck and feed off the few productive members of society that still live there. And as long as those people are willing to reside there, they will be trampled upon by the majority, who actually like bad cops and corrupt politicians as evidenced by the way they vote. Now back to the discussion of how to deal with gangs. First of all, we need to deal with gang members in constitutionally sound ways, as intended by our founding fathers (the same way we want 2A treated). They should all be given a fair trial by a jury of their peers and be given legal representation as detailed by the Constitution. If and when they are found guilty, they should be given the right to appeal the decision to the courts not multiple times on different grounds, but once at each level of the system as prescibed by law. The briefs should be turned in to the courts no later than 30days after the verdict is handed down. A hearing should be held no longer than 30 days afterward. And likewise, the ruling should be handed down no longer than 30 days later. After which, the execution shall commence. This is quite possible and gives the accused every right afforded them under the Constitution. If the innocent perish, they perished with a clear conscience. We do not have perfect system. No legal system in the history of mankind has been perfect. It would be as close to ideal as we are capable, though, in giving rights to the accused and also the victims including the taxpayers who foot the bill.
  13. Best Buys doesn't sell holsters, but they can probably hook you up with a new TV. I've got a paddel holster from Galco for my G27 that is great. Very comfortable and you can adjust your carry angle to suit yourself.
  14. Actually, I believe it is. During the first part of the American Experiment (pre-Warren Court), execution was practiced for many crimes and not just murder, horse theivery comes to mind. The courts, including the ones that were around during the days of our founding fathers, never failed to uphold the constitutionality of this practice. When the words of the constitution have not changed, why do the courts not follow the precidents of the wise old men who came before them, some of whom actually wrote and ratified the document?
  15. How much is your son/daughter/wife/mother/father worth in "restitution"? I deal with innocent patients and there families all the time who have been victims of this crime. There is nothing "accidental" about driving drunk. It is a purposeful act from the onset. One has to know that they are going to drink and might possibly need transportation afterwards. I've never has alcohol poured down my throat and forced to drive at gunpoint. Have you?Someone shouldn't die or be maimed for the rest of there lives because someone else found it inconvenient to call a cab or have a sober ride. And as for your assertion that Nixon's "war on drugs" caused an increase in drug use, you are way off. Drug use was rising and that prompted the "war on drugs", not vice versa. Do you know nothing of the sixtie's counterculture that was emerging? And guess what, the rise in drug use did not happen until then, some 50 years after drugs were illegalized.
  16. I always carry an extra mag in my front pocket. But on occasion, I've pulled it out and found "pocket lint" in the cavity of the first hollow point. This is probably not the preferred method of carry but I don't want to start looking like I'm wearing a Batman utility belt, either.
  17. One more thing, people are under the impression that making dugs legal will drive the prices down, making it less enticing to the criminal element. It is my understanding, though I no personal experience, that drugs are just as expensive, if not more so, in Holland, where everything is legal. Prostitution is leagal in Nevada and illegal in TN. Call a woman of the night in Nashville and get her rate, then call one of the "ranches" in Nevada and see where you get the better quote.
  18. Criminal minds will always find illegal things to do for a profit. Think about it. Shipping cargo is perfectly legal in the US but organized crime has infiltrated our shipping system and profitted from it. Gambling is legal in Nevada, but gangs have found ways to profitteer from that, too. There is a whole miriad of "legal" activities in the US that gangs will find a way to infiltrate and profitteer from. Let's also not forget drugs were legal in the US, and it didn't work out so well because people that are high on drugs have a tendency not to want to work and doing crazy things. If one doesn't work, they still need money to buy drugs and food, on occasion. Therefore, they end up robbing people (this was happening quite a lot at the turn of the 20th Century) and thus we illegalized drugs. I tend to be very Libertarian, but I also realize that we can't just legalize everything because people do them anyway. That, my freind, is a recipe for anarchy and a society that simply will not and can not work. Societies must have norms or they will implode upon themselves. We have been on the fast track to destroying those norms for the past forty years and look what it has gotten us. If we want that trend to continue, by all means, legalize everything. But if we, at some point, want to stop this tide, we must go back to our roots and values. But alas, I have very little hope of that happening.
  19. Was it the Magtech or Reminton that caused the prob? Some semi-auto's (I believe it's my Ruger 10/22) I have specifically say "do not use Remington ammunition". Remington, for some reason, can have trouble cycling.
  20. I would go to Guns and Leather in Greenbrier. The shops that are closest to you are extremely overpriced and you've already experienced the customer service. I promise you, you'll save more than your time cost and gas money by driving a little farther north. All that being said, I hear that the drive to Winchester to see Joe at Hero Gear is equally worth one's while, but have no experience other than being impressed by the booth at the Guns and Gear expo.
  21. tntnixon

    AR Hype

    Just one question. When did any enemy of the United States follow the Geneva Convention, Hague Convention etc.? Wasn't it supposed to be a reciprical agreement? Of course that leads to the last question: Why are we a part of an agreement that seems to be only binding on us?
  22. Larry Gatlin "I don't want to cry this early, this morning"
  23. Looks like an antique butter churn that I have only this one is much larger. Maybe for large vats?


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