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Everything posted by tntnixon

  1. If you're into shirts you can always go with one of these
  2. This was my favorite until they posted, now I'll never go back.
  3. Jimmy may have a cleaner record than you. Might be easier to get that NY carry permit.
  4. You can always say "So nobody tries to beat my hoes but me."
  5. I really don't have a problem him shooting the kid. Evidently, I was a "biter" as a small child but quit when my mother bit the hell out of me. As for the sex offender thing, I wonder if Florida laws are the same as TN? You can end up on the registry for calling a lady of the night in TN.
  6. Do you have 4 character references that have known you for more than 4 years, are not family, and reside in Niagra County? Also, I'm I understanding this correctly, you need to go through this process just to keep a weapon in your home?
  7. Dude, I'm the worst typist in the history of mankind. I do great with MSWord, but I I have never been able to get the spellcheck thing to work on here.
  8. Why not? You do it that way, and you never have to pay for your crack. Plus, the drug dealers usually have some guns you can conviscate and usually you can get a wad of cash. Believe me, they won't suspect a thing. They'll just be glad you didn't arrest them.
  9. Asking a bunch of guys where to go may lead you to the Golden Corral. But, as mentioned earlier, Cherokee is not a "date night" place to go. If your looking for somewhere in Hendersonville, probably the nicest place is September's Septembers - septembers hendersonville . If going into Davidson County and want non-chain Sperry's in Belle Meade is always a good bet Sperry's Restaurant | Fine Nashville Dining since 1974. Nashville Steakhouse,Fresh Seafood, Tasteful Surroundings , but make sure you make reservations and ask to be seated in the bar (it's and old world look with lots of dark wood and a fireplace).
  10. Here's Lenny's badge He wears with his duty belt: And his official police issue uniform:
  11. That being said, it doesn't prevent Congress from taking our money in the form of taxes, it just prevents them from telling us what to do within our borders.
  12. If I got one she'd say "Too beaucoup".
  13. But he was cool enough to call in 7.62mm. We'll never be that cool.
  14. My problems with "pocket guns" in general, and I believe it is mostly the cause of the reliability issues (but would concede that I may be wrong about this), is the fact that pockets are notoriously dirty places. Even when using a pocket holster, I can't keep lint off, or out of my P3AT. Consequently, I've pretty much quit carrying the damned thing. I just don't have time to clean it on a daily basis, or whenever I decide to carry it. All that being said, any weapon is better than no weapon at all. But the chances of having a one shot stop with a .32 or a .380 isn't very good (66% and 71% respectively). The Winchester 66gr Silvertip is the load that got a 66% OSS score in .32( good luck finding any, I've been scouring the web and can't find any). I personally like to get my OSS scores in the 90's, that's why I go with a G27 (still a very light and easily concealable weapon with a OSS of 94% in 165gr Golden Saber) but you can even get good OSS percentages in 9mm if you go Corbon.
  15. The court challenge that probably has the best shot at being won is the part of the Senate bill that prevents future Congresses from passing legislation that overturns the bill. I can't forsee the courts allowing this to go unchecked. My understanding would be that such a measure would require a Constitutional amendment. Tennessee can refuse to allow this bill to take effect within our borders but only if we refuse all, and I mean all, federal dollars. At least, that's what the courts have ruled in the past. It's really the only way to regain a state's sovereignty.
  16. You really should get the magazine that are the correct caliber for the conversion barrel to run it reliably. Some have used incorrect magazines and have had mixed results.
  17. tntnixon

    AK 47

    Don't buy one at a gun show. The prices are so inflated, it's terrible. Buy from a reputable dealer or FTF, you'll almost certainly get a better weapon and a better deal. Look at Arsenal and Lancaster Arms, I have one of each and they're tack drivers.
  18. But you better make damned sure that 3rd party has a right to self defense!!!
  19. I see you got the "pinky extension", good choice because they're awkward to shoot without. You may also consider getting the Pachmayr slip on grips for about $10.00 (I have them on my G27) because the pistol is very slick. Add those two things and you have a perfect carry weapon.
  20. Welcome to the dark side. You'll hate it at first, then you'll come to love it.
  21. I hope he's OK, too. I'm not happy because he's sick, I'm happy because it will throw Florida's recruiting into disarray.


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