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Omega last won the day on May 23

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About Omega

  • Birthday 01/22/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    Clarksville, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing and the Outdoors
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 23
  • Carry Weapon #2
    XDM .40

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)



  1. I think others are available, mine is called Galaxy Charging Current and is no longer available on GooglePlay, It stopped working some on newer phones, the Max mA is blank, but it still shows the Reference and Average mA. But with it not showing one value, it is hard to believe the rest.
  2. One thing I found is that some USB cords just don't charge the same as others. I used to have an app that would tell me what power was incoming and marked my good cords. Apple used to flip some wires inside the cord so only original apple cords would work on apple phones. My phone charges pretty quick, from around 30%, way quicker than an hour, so if yours is taking long, may want to test other cords.
  3. When I use mine, I place it on a sill in the sun while charging and after charging to see if it will top off or at least get some charge back. I normally need to top off my phone once and my tablet once, I connect when I am at 25-30% so they won't go into power saving mode. I've never needed to recharge it with just the panel, just good to know I can if I need to.
  4. I have a similar unit that I take hunting, it usually allows me to get through the day with both my phone and tablet. I also have a battery bank as a backup, but never had to use it.
  5. If it is a plain stock, it will take rattle can spray just fine. Just know that it won't last too long, but it can be done very effectively. No, it is not cerakote, though that will work much better, but guys have been doing this for decades. We did many of our M-4s back in the day to break up the silhouette, and would look pretty decent if you took your time. Just google or DDG some pics, most are camo and look great, so plain ole black should come out great too. The good part is that you can change it out if it just doesn't do it for you. You can also opt for a better paint, like ceracoat or duracoat, but still DIY. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=rattlecan+camo+rifle+stock&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images This stock is actually black.
  6. See if they would accept a CD with those files on it with the paper forms, at least the fingerprint files.
  7. Why not do electronic fingerprint and photo files.
  8. Yes indeed, let us enjoy your talent without spoiling it with any of the other stuff. Loved the Big Bang episode, hope that was his personality shining through. RIP!


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