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The Average Joe

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Everything posted by The Average Joe

  1. SHEOPLE - Is there anything that they think the government can't provide for them?
  2. I see people doing that all the time on I-24....... Just joking, though....That's a most impressive video.
  3. Horizon is $1.44 and Flying J is $1.43 and holding at exit 182 off I-40 in Fairview.
  4. Of course, it couldn't happen here in America...the government is here to protect us.:D:drool:
  5. I am a Benefactor. I already pay per month. I would encourage everyone to do at least that. TGO has it set up to automatically bill my PayPal.
  6. Man that's a tuffy. I never tried to hide a gun on a woman so that she could draw it and not look like an exibitionist doing it. If she's wearing jeans, IWB... If she got a dress on....huh, she's on her own.....
  7. You guys, don't get your panties in a bunch, just appreciate the comedic value of this. (BTW: I carry a FEG PA-63in .380(9mm short) in my truck, but a COLT 1911, .45acp IWB)
  8. Horizon across the street from Flying J in Fairview was $1.44. Miss the sign on Flying J, but it's usually a little cheaper....
  9. Yes, Let's have her "removed from the program".
  10. When I was a kid, my parents room was just off limits. My dad kept his pistol in his underwear/sock drawer of his chest-o-drawers (top drawer). The same rule applies for my kids and my pistol. Besides, who wants to be fiddling around with something that's been stored in your dad's underwear drawer?
  11. A Terminator movie without Arnold....I wonder how they'll pull it off? Looks pretty good. I hope Christian Bale can keep his hands to himself long enough to make it to the premier of this one.
  12. Great design, Joe. Creeky and I will have to plan another road trip to come and see it when it's finished....and of course, buy some goodies from the shop.
  13. A few years back there was a scandal that some THPs were on the take and were being paid off in smoked hams. All the radio DJs made jokes about if you ever got pulled over by a THP, just be sure to have a smoked ham in the trunk. I've tried to search it on the web, but haven't been able to find a write up about it for better reference.
  14. And that is why they've been gathering dust on the stereo in my den since I got them. That's the answer I figured I get and from the source(s) I fielded the question to. Thanks to you and all the other LEOs who posted.
  15. It's obvious you're just wanting to argue and/or you haven't read the post clearly. Guess you missed the line where I said I concealed my badge, just like my gun. You're also not an LEO, so I'll wait around for someone who is, to give me a valid answer.
  16. I bought my house in the hometown I grew up in and have lived all my life, so I feel safe where I am. My advice for anyone starting out looking for an appartment as well as a house in a neighborhood/subdivision is to look at the dwelling's surroundings. For instance, look at your potential neighbors' yards....what's the condition? dead/live grass, junk, etc. Are the yards kept? Also look at what's parked in everybody's driveways....If you see alot of junk cars or trashed out "low riders" and "hot rods", you may have, shall I say, undesirable neighbors. If a guy doesn't care if he's living in a sty, he sure doesn't care if his mess overflows on to your place. Whether it be his trash, his noise pollution, or his lack of domestic civilization. *Always check where the children will be zoned to go to school... and visit that school(s). Meet with the principal and ask for a tour. Make sure you know what and where you're sending your kids everyday. Check out the local stores in the community. Parking lots and the condition of the stores are somewhat of a give away. If the local gas station/stop'n'rob has bars on the doors and windows as well as McDonald's and Food Lion, you may not wan to buy/rent in that area. Are dogs running loose in the nieghborhood? Most cities/communities have a leash/pen law. My city does. Dogs are to be confined to a yard and on a leash when let out at all times. Hey, nobody wants to be bit/mauled in his own yard by a stray dog. If neighbors don't care about their pets, they don't care about what they do or what happens to them while out of sight.....the same goes for their kids. Basically, just pay attention to the world around where you plan to settle in....pretty simple.
  17. +1:up: Guilty as charged on pretty much all accounts.
  18. I've had a couple made up that even have my HCP number on them. I've heard that if you're ever caught in an "intense situation", when arriving on the scene, an LEO won't shoot a gun with a badge when he sees it as opposed to seeing a gun without one. I've been concealing my badge here recently as I was afraid of being sited for impersonation of an LEO. I realize they really only hold a novelty value, but how are they really accepted by most LEOs?
  19. I think anytime you're inconvenienced by a LEO stop and get a ticket, it's a bad experience. That being said, and being a somewhat reformed habitual speeder, I've had my share of stops with my HCP and weapon in the truck. I think it all comes down to territory. Depending on where said LEO is from and if he's familiar with the crowd he's patrolling, I think, will depend on the response/reaction he has around the people he interacts with. IMHO, I'm sure that when an LEO (THP) is assigned a location to patrol, there is a reputation that's floating around about the majority floating around highways that they'll encounter. example: I've been pulled over in Metro and Williamson County and it's all gone rather smoothly. However, when I was pulled over in Cheatam, the THP must have had a real hang up with the crowd he'd been interacting with....or he had a long ride home. I don't have a problem with LEOs, THPs, or getting pulled over. I do have a problem with the LEOs not taking into consideration that the majority of the public (with or without HCPs) aren't in practice of being pulled over and going through the routine. Yeah, we know THE routine, but not neccessarily THEIR routine in their minds eye. (i.e not notifying of HCP/weapon in the car, carrying cocked & locked, etc.) Sometimes I think they sit there so long in that cruiser that their personal opinion becomes "their" law.
  20. I was pulled over for speeding on my way home from work once by a THP on I-40 west as it runs through Cheatham County. The LEO came to the passenger side which I wasn't expecting. I went through the routine properly as I should, but had problems retrieving my insurance card from my wallet. I had to lay my wallet out on the center armrest. I keep my HCP behind my TDL. Having already taken my TDL and registration, he saw my HCP still in the little window of my wallet. He quickly put his hand on his side arm and asked if I had a weapon in the truck. I carry one under the center armrest all the time, but had had it out for cleaning and couldn't really remember putting back. I had to think for a moment and then replied "yes". He quickly replied,"DON'T show it to me". I complied. I then asked why he got so defensive after seeing my HCP in my wallet. He just answered, "you never can tell." Justice was served when he asked me if I'd been drinking because he could smell something sour emitting from the cab. I mentioned that since he had approached the passenger's side instead of the driver's side of my truck, had he noticed that he may be standing in litter on the shoulder of the interstate. Bingo! As he looked down, he was obviously standing in something rotten and let me knowing by replying "SH*T!, It's all over my shoes!" Must have pissed him off pretty good. He wrote me up a real good one.


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