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The Average Joe

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Everything posted by The Average Joe

  1. Under Chuck Norris' beard there is no chin, just another fist. Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits. If you insult Chuck Norris today through December 22nd, you can receive delivery of your roundhouse kick by noon Christmas Eve.
  2. +1 rebelyell1972:up: I'm surprised TWRA didn't want you to stick around an press charges. My family and I have 293 acres in Williamson county near one of the Harpeth tributaries. We've had similar problems since the dawn of time. We've had only a few problems with hunters. I guess they're smarter than fishermen. Fishermen are forever parking at and through our gates, even once in the front yard, and walking through our property to get to the river. The argument being, the river is a public waterway - true, but the land you're parked on, traveled across, and the land the river flows over are private property. Our property lines and gates are clearly posted. TWRA has told me that most people who pull this stunt, hunting or fishing, more than likely, don't even have a hunting or fishing licence. In our neck of the woods, we require written permission to anyone who asks and is aloud. Then tell the aloud parties to park up in the driveway as to not attract uninvited others to park along side them. I wonder why some people just think that they can just venture off anywhere and do as they please? Hunting and fishing Licenses do state to ask permission.
  3. Did the customizing cost $600 or did the entire outfit all together cost that much? That is one sweeeeeet rifle.
  4. My : 1. From now on take your foot off the accelerator and turn on your lights. At his rate of speed, when he sees you slowing down and your tail lights on, it'll scare the out of him. The look on his face will be priceless. 2. Your California howdy, I've found is the first characteristic of a (not that I'm calling you one, but) redneck coward. Think about it...They usually show you the finger and run. 3. That was not a cop. Prison Guard, maybe. If he's going to flash the badge after pulling a stunt like that, he's going to through his weight around or do something even more moronic to show his arse. 4. Keep in mind, your carrying a gun. Put yourself above all that throwing up the bird or the badge. Sometimes the best revenge is to refer back to #1, then just point and laugh.
  5. Here's my : Since I have in-laws that are, let's say, not to savy about me concealing. I go about my routine as if I were going anywhere else with a firearm. Again, the name of the game is "clandestine". After all, you are concealing... When you get ready for your trip, pack to dress accordingly. If your concealing around your in-law becomes a bigger issue than you really want it to be.....it's time to go home. For God's sake, I hope your wife backs you up on any hang ups with your in-laws you encounter on this trip. God's speed to you and yours on your jouney.
  6. What's the deal with the media crucifying this woman after the election? Hell, she's the reason McCain got so many votes in the first place. I voted FOR HER. She's getting more heat than before and during the election....and from both sides. If you asked me, the guy conducting the interview is to blame. It's always the newscaster or cameraman who choose the area and background to interview from.
  7. When someone asks me if I'd ever consider selling one of my firearms, I always reply sarcastically: I'd be more likely to put one of my kids up for adoption.
  8. The Average Joe

    1911, why?

    I didn't lie, did I?
  9. I went to Hero-Gear last Saturday, and he had plenty. I picked up 3 for $17.99 a each.
  10. The Average Joe

    1911, why?

    I carry hammer down....and I'll tell you why. I don't feel comfortable drawing with the hammer cocked. Like the mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea always says, "A man's got to know his limitations". I'm aware enough to know that under the wrong conditions, I MIGHT draw and accidentally fire before I could get a good aim. In the time it takes to get the pistol out of the holster and up to target, I can cock the hammer, with the ounce of emotion evaporating and my focus concentrated in that action. Worked for all the cowboys in the 1800's...good enough for me. Alot of you XD/Glock/cocked'n'locked guys will argue this. And you'll probably have a good arguement. I know my gun and I can hit a target. BUT, what it all comes down to is this: What do I know I'm capable of. Same as my first post: It's what I'm comfortable with. I'm sure with training and practice, practice, practice...I'd become cocked and locked with confidence, BUT until then, do you really want a guy legally walking the streets with a hand cannon ready to go off and also know he's not comfortable with the way he's got it leathered because some guy on a gun forum to him to? The thread is pirated. The pot is stirred. Talk among yourselves.
  11. Be a man. Head shoot'em with a .22LR or .22mag. Have your garbage bag ready to collect the body. Watch for soccer moms and kids. They'll blow your cover everytime.
  12. I missed out today, but it's not like I haven't done my part since election day. 800 rds .223 150 rds .45acp ...and I'm still on the hunt. FYI: Cabela's is running free shipping through 12/1/2008 for any order over $99. The online code is 8CHRISTMAS to get the discount.
  13. The Average Joe

    1911, why?

    I carry a 1911. It's what I like and I can operate it comfortably (i.e, my piece of mind). I don't go cocked and locked, either. I'm no quick draw. Maybe, I'm just old school when it comes to carrying semi-autos. I wouldn't argue that the 1911 is superior to the XD. After all the 1911 is 100 year old tech. and the XD is as modern as they come. It all comes down to opinion. I don't argue about what everybody else carries. You got what you got, and I got what I got. I'm not going to stir the pot on Glocks because we all know where that will send this thread. All I'll say is I own one (G21) and choose not to use it as a carry pistol. I'm open minded about carrying an XD. I have nothing against them. I don't own one...yet. I've yet to study them for ownership or as a carry pistol, though. Maybe I can be persuaded...
  14. Unions have outlived their usefulness.
  15. My 8 yr old loves to shoot. He has a Red Rider BB gun that fits him perfectly. AND he can shoot it in the back yard (considering that we can't shoot firearms within city limits). When we go to our range, I let him shoot my 2 Ruger Bearcats. They fit his hands and toy gun holster perfectly. He's really not big enough to shoot my Marlin .22 rifle. His arms aren't long enough, yet. I've looked at the crickets. The price is great and they come in different colored composite stock colors. My 4 yr old daughter would love a pink one. This would be a great pick for the kid whose younger than say, 12 yrs old. I've heard that H&R make shotguns with youth stocks.
  16. I have the 642 hammerless. I can put it in my back pocket and really never pay attention that it's there. The only drawback is that I can't fire .357 through it. The guy that sold it to me carried one in the front pocket of his khakis. With his pant being baggy, I never knew he had it. I was sold. Because of the light weight, I can pretty much carry it anywhere on me... back pocket, belt(iwb or owb), ankle, truck cab, Coronado vest.... ;)
  17. Anytime some goober asks for my I.D., I always ask,"Do you want my prison I.D. or my Gun Permit?" Slight panic quickly ensues...
  18. This is what pushed "The Judge" a little further down on my "want it just cause" list back last year.
  19. In a nutshell, their logic is this..... Let's move out of the city, to the country, and let's build a city there, so we don't have to drive back to city, to get what we miss; and let's also do away with all this strange country life that we don't understand.... I know...We'll put a Wal Mart in that big field where they're always shooting those loud guns. That mentality really rubs me.
  20. True, even when Cheaper Than Dirt is Cheaper Than Dirt, they still aren't Cheaper Than Dirt...I've bought from Cabela's, The Sportsman's Guide, and Bass Pro. Sometimes the deal is all in what one charges for shipping. But, I will confess, I just bought some AR mags from CTD on recommendation of a family member....and I'm sure I'll find said mags cheaper somewhere else and buy from there. I still like to use CTD's catalog as a reference, though.
  21. +1 to this post and the one you posted prior. BTW: I'm looking at my bookmarks online and I have at least 8 other ammo suppliers other than CTD.


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