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The Average Joe

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Everything posted by The Average Joe

  1. The Average Joe

    Palm Gun?

    Wow! What a novelty to have. The last time I saw one of those, Ed Bruce took one off of James Garner (Brett Maverick) when they were disarming everyone before a high stakes card game. He kept it in the crown of his hat. I believe they called it a "lemon squeezer".
  2. If this ever starts to move through congress/house, I hope these guys know pass or not, their days in office are numbered.
  3. Here's the one I sent: Dear Sirs: It has been brought to my attention that you have posted Cool Springs Mall with a "No Weapons" policy. So, I am to understand that this establishment no longer welcomes legal handgun conceal carry by permit holders (possibly the most law abiding citizens in the state). It is in my opinion that you have rendered your mall a haven for criminals, vagrants, and career law breakers. My family and I have always shopped your mall at Christmas time as well as year round. However, I feel it is in my better judgement to now, avoid visiting/shopping your mall on the grounds that my family and I may be in danger for our lives. Any criminal who pays close enough attention to signs posted and mall policy, will now realize there are no other weapons in the building to retard any of his illegal actions, whether it be armed robbery, murder, shooting spree, or any other heinous crime. Please do not consider me a loyal customer in the future. I have taken my business elsewhere. I typed this off the cuff, but I think it will get their attention and get them to thinking..... BTW: There is no email address, but you can contact the management through the website: http://www.coolspringsgalleria.com/shop/coolsprings.nsf/contact
  4. Sometimes I wonder what these TV people see in Rosie O'Donnell. After her rant on Tom Selleck years ago about him being a spokesman for the NRA and the fact that she came out of the closet shortly after, her creditiblity/popularity really started dropping and has been ever since. I never watched the view, but always heard that everytime she opened her mouth it was to change feet. ...And let's face it....there was only ONE Carol Burnett Show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Carol_Burnett_Show
  5. He and the sheriff with the Glock (and the hole in his leg) need to compare notes. Check this if you missed the thread or just don't know what I'm referring to. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14529
  6. At the Flying J in Fairview (I-40 exit 180) it was as low as $1.51, but has gone up to $1.58 this morning because of the Thanksgiving traffic...at least that's what I paid this morning.
  7. +1:up: Not to mention....nobody wants to be around a grumpy whiner or complainer all the time...anytime for that fact. *People tend to gravitate toward a person with a positive outlook on even a bad situation. *Good things come to good people...sometimes you have to get your mind (and your heart) right to see it.
  8. Seeing that every firearm, mag, scope, holster, rifle furniture, and box of ammo I've ever bought has come from a local gun shop or online gun shop, Dick's firearms/ammo section just kinda seems tame when I go in to look around. Then I see the prices and the selection....but never anyone behind the counter. I've yet to buy anything in a Dick's store. +1 for the lovely Mrs. creeky on her perseverance at Dick's.
  9. I sat on the couch all morning and got more shopping done online with the same sale deals than my wife who's out there fighting the mobs for parking spots and checkout lanes. It's to bad about that employee. A person can be careful, but people can be careless.
  10. In response to RISC777's thread start... When SOME guys get their (E)emergency tags, they think they're invincible. I've known several that use them to drive like maniacs thinking/knowing they're not going to get a ticket. Ambulance drivers have it bad just like, truck drivers, postal carriers, and bus drivers. To many people are in there own little world and not taking into consideration the rest of the world around them. I agree, there are a lot distractions for people to be occupied by, but the worst one of all is disregard for common courtesy. One thing about Tennessee's driving habits is the abuse of the left lane (the over taking lane or the passing lane). Nashville, Dickson, Pegram, and surrounding cities and their counties as far as interstate driving suffer from lack of "lane discipline". Just because you're driving the speed limit doesn't mean you can just choose a lane and cruise. I don't care if you pay taxes or not...slow traffic keep right. I could go all day on this but that's my biggest peeve. Tractor Trailer Rigs: Why do you get in the left hand lane when going up steep inclines on the interstate? Just askin'...
  11. Whoops! You're right..... GImags
  12. Chisum, I hope you post back on this to tell us how it all went down. I hope everything goes well.
  13. That's my thought. As many ducks as they killed, they may even take their lawyers, wives, and a few kids, maybe their recliners and TV sets. Make 'em go to the gun shop, buy a new gun, and take that one, too. Those sorry S.O.B.s are ruining it for the rest of us.
  14. I toss the remote when I'm surfing and find "Tombstone", "El Dorado", or "Quigley Down Under". Here's a WARNING: Don't waste your time buying or even renting the movie, "SHOOT'EM UP". Starring Clive Owen. It's so anti-gun it's pathetic. Don't make the same mistake I did watching it. What a waste of my time watching that piece of crap.
  15. That's kinda like going heeled with pajamas on. Sounds like you need one o' those waist packs or belly bands. Check 511, they have undershirts and underpants that allow for concealment.
  16. HOOK and LOOP is commonly known as VELCRO. I'm in for a couple.
  17. I always have one under the center armrest in my truck if I've got one holstered on me or not.
  18. Most of the time it doesn't matter if it's posted or not. NO TRESPASSING signs and NO HUNTING signs are like wallpaper to someone determined enough to go wherever it is they're headed. We've run off plenty of folks who have climbed right over a sign on the fence or gate and parked right in front of a NO PARKING sign, for that matter. We're always worried about towing a car, or letting the air out of tires, or pulling any other pranks. The dip:poop: can always come back and burn a barn down or vandalize farm equipment. We have a generic note that we've copied and keep in our vehicles that we put on the windshields. We also take down the make, model, and tag number. If he comes back again, we call the cops. Luckily, we've had no repeat offenders.
  19. I don't have the words. No man deserves to go though this. I am very sorry for your loss. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  20. Okay, now I'll be the devil's advocate..... What you got was a shattered hope. What you're not getting is a perk. Keep in mind, Christmas bonus', paid vacation time, 401K, insurance, sick leave, free coffee, janitorial services, and sometimes a free parking spot are something an employer doesn't have to provide you. There's no law or written agreement, anywhere. Your employer owes you nothing but a paycheck. Keep in mind: Although, there are some people out there who may be getting a Christmas bonus this year, they're going to get laid off next year. Be thankful you'll have a job that will carry you over into next year and maybe longer. Tis' the Season, be thankful for what you do have....especially this Thursday...
  21. I wear a Galco Summer Carry (IWB) for my Colt Defender between 4:00 and 5:00 and double mag pouch at 9:00. Doesn't sit uncomfortably and all I have to do is lean forward a bit and reach back. I've been checking out the under dash holsters since getting my new (to me) truck.


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