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A.J. Holst

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A.J. Holst last won the day on December 1 2023

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About A.J. Holst

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    Asking questions to help people make good decisions, discover goals and help them get what they want


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. We need to boycott; surfing is being held in French Polynesia. That reeks of colonialism and imperialism! The Polynesians deserve to have the shackles of French oppression removed... They should have the same quality of life and opportunities that freedom gives, just like the previously down trodden and now liberated Vietnamese peoples. And they need to bring back pistol duelling https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pistol_dueling_at_the_Summer_Olympics
  2. It seems to me "glad that old such and such is dead," is not quite the equivalent to, "glad that old such and such got murdered." Though, some may have a relative of low character who could fit, "well, glad he's dead, he deserved to get shot."
  3. I've been prowling about the internet and I am distressed over (what appears to be to me) the naked wickedness of man. One group of folks had a burst of joy that someone tried to murder another human being whom they hated. Another group was satisfied; didn't exactly want another human being murdered, but he sure as heck got his comeuppance. A few more, down right disappointed that another human being was not murdered or at least, horribly maimed and comatose. That's a lot of hate and pretty harsh retaliation towards someone you simply don't know, you don't like and you don't trust. I pray the Lord would touch their hearts and minds so they would wish to seek out Him, his Son and the Spirit. Lord, before we act or react, please give us your wisdom, the peace of Christ and the words of the Spirit.
  4. Lifting you in prayer right now!
  5. For you fireworks fanatics...
  6. ∆∆∆∆ Having grown up with Fred in the early days of PBS, this is about the funniest thing I've ever seen
  7. What's the he secret handshake or high sign for identification?
  8. Noon next Saturday is on my calendar.
  9. Welcome to a great place! Lot of advice and opinions provided, all free, so you know what you paying for lol


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