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Shelby County told me to grab my ankles...

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They were talking about this on the radio this morning. Apparently all of the areas NOT likely to vote Democrat went up while the others either remained the same or decreased. The one I recall off the top of my head was Whitehaven/Hickory Hood - no increase.

I think I remember Lakeland as going up 6%.

You could argue that this is a conspiracy, but a more likely argument is that areas that are heavily republican tend to be more affluent, and therefore more likely to appreciate in value at a higher rate.

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Guest db99wj
Just did their informal review and gave them some current home sale data from my neighborhood with similar comps. I really wasn't expecting a drop at all, but rather a response of "looks good to us, now pay your taxes".

I think 4/30/09 was the deadline to submit a request for an informal review. From there you could appeal again, if you wanted to.

I just sent my appeal in today. My property value went up 28%, or $40,000. I can't justify mine going down, just not in the comparable sales, but it should have only gone up about half of that. If the market was active like it was in 2007 and before, than the value that they put on it would be justified, but not in today's world.

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I live in Knox county and I got mine about a month ago. It went up 103% for the past 4 years. When I spoke to them, they said that someone had been to the property twice in the last 4 years to reappraise it. The house is worth about half of the new appraisal. They are going to try again. Still waiting on the re-appraisal.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I live in Knox county and I got mine about a month ago. It went up 103% for the past 4 years. When I spoke to them, they said that someone had been to the property twice in the last 4 years to reappraise it. The house is worth about half of the new appraisal. They are going to try again. Still waiting on the re-appraisal.

Did you ever get your re-appraisal back? I have a relative who is going through this where the property value has doubled. He's appealing it, of course. What is a good course of action? Can someone lay it out for me in step by step form? Thanks!

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Yes, I got my reappraisal back. They dropped it to a 19% increase. This is still a bogus number, but I do not have the time or money to take the appeal to the next level. This is just another way for the government to screw me over.

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Just a warning - as I mentioned above, when you ask for re-appraisal the rate can increase. My neighbor didn't like that her appraisal had increased by so much so she went through the re-appraisal process and it appraised for an additional $20k.

Just make sure your appraisal value close to/above market value before complaining. As I stated above, while our appraisal increased by some $70k, it's still far below real market value based on home sales in my neighborhood.

So be careful, just sayin'...

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