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The Dr. Is In The House!

Guest TheDoctor

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Guest TheDoctor

:tough: Hi everyone..nice to be among all you fine folks. If you don't mind I could really use some help on locating a HK 40 cal Compact that was stolen from my vehicle in 2003. This pistol is a little unusal because it is stainless and at the time had the litlle boot at the bottom of the grips. I know someone has to maybe have some knowledge of whom may have it. I really don't even care about who took it but I really would love to have it returned. I bought it new in Jan. of 1999 and just can't get caught up on living expenses to purchase another one. The serial # is 26-022340 If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated! Oh by the way, the pistol was stolen in the N. Johnson City, TN area where they completly destroyed the driver and passanger windows. They also took a gun bag, extra clips and several other valuables.

I know this is a long shot but one never knows unless they try. Again

all I want is my pistol back! I actually have already forgiven them.

Thank You & God Bless!


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welcome. i highly doubt anybody will give it back to you. you might could get lucky with the right person and be able to buy it back at current market value but even that is unlikely. i dont think anyone will give up approx. $600+ worth of anything especially now

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welcome. i highly doubt anybody will give it back to you. you might could get lucky with the right person and be able to buy it back at current market value but even that is unlikely. i dont think anyone will give up approx. $600+ worth of anything especially now

I would as it is the right thing to do, Karma does follow people in my experience :D

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Guest pjblurton

Keep checking with local law enforcement in the surrounding areas.

I had a buddy who was able to find a pistol 18 months after it was stolen. He kept going to the property room with a copy of his police report that had the serial # on it.

Sure enough, it was recovered when the thief tried to rob a convience store with an off duty cop in it.

Good luck and welcome to TGO!

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I would as it is the right thing to do, Karma does follow people in my experience :)

but i highly doubt that you would have stolen it in the first place, since THAT's not the right thing to do.

but in the instance of say you found this gun somewhere or heard of it being in a lost-and-found type of storage, yes i believe many people on here would return it to him but i dont think a thief is going to give the gun back to its owner just because he asked for it.

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Guest tacobelldoug

Welcome to the boards. That gun has probably changed hands 2 or 3 times by now.

You're a better man than I am for forgiving them already. I still wish I could get my hands on the jerk who stole my $500 pressure washer by ripping the doors off my shed 5 years ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TheDoctor

Thanks everybody for caring and the comments. One thing about it.......You can buy guns or stuff but......FRIENDS ARE PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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