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New NRA TN License Plates

New TN NRA License Plate Yea or Nay  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. New TN NRA License Plate Yea or Nay

    • Yes, I will buy mine
    • No, I will NOT buy one.

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I've never been worried that someone would break into my home or car because of an NRA sticker. Every truck I've owned for the past 10 years or so has had an NRA sticker on it. Prior to that, I didn't own a truck. I've never put an NRA sticker on my cars because I figured it would look a little goofy, but I'd probably put an NRA license plate on my car if they produce them.

I just don't see what the fuss is about. We live in the South where I'd imagine that a good 75% of the guys born and raised here have hunted something at one point in their life or another. Having an NRA sticker or tag on your truck is about as non-eventful as having a Browning Buck Mark sticker or a Ducks Unlimited sticker. :tinfoil:

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Guest m4coyote

You guys must not visit the Brainerd area in Chattanooga much. The underwear showing, baggy pants around the knees crowd is pretty thick around those parts.

My mother in law lives there, and since my father in law died last year, we spend quite a bit of time at her house. My wife and I learned that she has had multiple incidents of theft from her garage, her automobiles, and regularly receives door bell rings and knocks to the door at 2:00 AM and later. The culprits are definitely not what one would consider "conservative".

The neighbors on either side of her sported NRA and Saracuda stickers on their vehicles. Both neighbors have received bricks through their NRA stickered windshields, spray paint, and key treatments. The un-stickered vehicles in the immediate area received no such gifts. Her neighborhood is comprised of really nice, long time residents - except for the apartments about a block away. I have never seen so much support for a presidential candidate in my life as was displayed at these apartments - banners flying from the railings, signs, flags, bumper stickers, etc. Gunshots regularly ring out there during early morning hours, and the police are constantly there for something. Almost any or all trouble in this neighborhood is traced back this fine and upstanding multi family dwelling.

You guys can roll your eyes if that is what pleases you, but my comment was not one of blind prejudice, but rather from "seeing is believing" experience in the "hood".

Edited by m4coyote
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Guest canynracer

I have had stickers on my truck that support my local gun range...no issues.

I would want to see what the plates look like, but I would have no issues sporting one.

I know the chipmunk slayer was being sarcastic...but cmon people, its a license plate...LOL

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Guest Policek9Trainer

I too would have got the NRA plate had I known about it when I recently renewed my tags, just don't know if I'd pay extra though for a speciality plate after paying double the amount of wheel tax from last year. But I've never had an issue with NRA decals on any vehicle I've had. So you guys who'd object, would also object to sporting the TNGunOwners decals too? :D, won't be hard to find me, its on my truck.

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  • Administrator
You guys must not visit the Brainerd area in Chattanooga much. The underwear showing, baggy pants around the knees crowd is pretty thick around those parts.

My mother in law lives there, and since my father in law died last year, we spend quite a bit of time at her house. My wife and I learned that she has had multiple incidents of theft from her garage, her automobiles, and regularly receives door bell rings and knocks to the door at 2:00 AM and later. The culprits are definitely not what one would consider "conservative".

The neighbors on either side of her sported NRA and Saracuda stickers on their vehicles. Both neighbors have received bricks through their NRA stickered windshields, spray paint, and key treatments. The un-stickered vehicles in the immediate area received no such gifts. Her neighborhood is comprised of really nice, long time residents - except for the apartments about a block away. I have never seen so much support for a presidential candidate in my life as was displayed at these apartments - banners flying from the railings, signs, flags, bumper stickers, etc. Gunshots regularly ring out there during early morning hours, and the police are constantly there for something. Almost any or all trouble in this neighborhood is traced back this fine and upstanding multi family dwelling.

You guys can roll your eyes if that is what pleases you, but my comment was not one of blind prejudice, but rather from "seeing is believing" experience in the "hood".

I wouldn't let my mother in law live in a warzone like that.

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Guest m4coyote

I hear that! My wife and I have warned her repeatedly, and she refuses to move. She has lived there for nearly forty years, and refuses to accept that it is no longer a "nice" place to live. She owns the house she lives in, and two pretty nice rental homes in different areas, so she has the means to leave, but just won't.

Just last week, she spent a great deal of money on decorative steel security doors for every entrance to her home, but chooses not to believe that someone will break one of the large windows to gain entry. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to help or advise some folks, but it does not keep us from worrying about her.

We just found out that there is now a full time prostitute living across the street from her now. This prostitute inherited the home from her sex offender father (he died earlier this year), and runs a pretty steady business. Cars are in and out at all hours of the day and night, and the outside lights are always on when she is home.

My mother in law is very bull headed, and just chooses to ignore the obvious danger around her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so far, im up in the air about ordering a plate but if i dont, it wont be b/c im scared of what some a**hole might do! im not gonna sit and hide and hope im not targetted b/c of a sticker or a plate displayed on my car. in most cases one would think it would have the opposite effect. either way, ill deal with any issues that come along, im not hiding to appease others.

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Guest HexHead
I've never been worried that someone would break into my home or car because of an NRA sticker. Every truck I've owned for the past 10 years or so has had an NRA sticker on it. Prior to that, I didn't own a truck. I've never put an NRA sticker on my cars because I figured it would look a little goofy, but I'd probably put an NRA license plate on my car if they produce them.

I just don't see what the fuss is about. We live in the South where I'd imagine that a good 75% of the guys born and raised here have hunted something at one point in their life or another. Having an NRA sticker or tag on your truck is about as non-eventful as having a Browning Buck Mark sticker or a Ducks Unlimited sticker. :D

I agree. I sent my $35 in when they first announced it. If they don't produce it, they can keep the $35 as a donation.

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