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just came across this, my father in law gave it to me... its in pretty good shape, unfortunately its a 3rd gen universal firearms m1 (can't get parts and other bad rep points) but i'll judge it after i shoot it. other pic is the pt1911 w/ chip mccormick 10rd power mag.



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Guest Moody


How does the Taurus 1911 shoot? Is it pretty accurate? Feel good? I'm only curious, because I'm looking for yet another (after 2) 1911, and want something that I can carry around and not feel bad about.


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its extremely accurate, and especially more accurate than I am. I know alot of die hard 1911 owners that love the way they shoot, only drawbacks to the black ones is the finish. it feels fantastic as well, the factory grips felt really good for little plastic grips but I felt mine needed more character the raasco's feel great as well just a little thicker. I'm not a huge fan of the factory sights (Hienne straight eights) but they work. they now make some aluminum framed 1911's which I know nothing about, but I don't particulary want to either. I know what you mean about carrying, that was a factor in considering the taurus because of the cost I wouldn't feel so guilty about scratches and what not, but now its my baby! It seems the last gun buyers guide I bought I saw an article on one and the author held a .7in group from 15 yards without the aid of a benchrest... very impressive to fit 5 shots inside a quarter from that far heck 15ft would be just as impressive to me.

Edited by jeremy155rr
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