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krunchnik last won the day on July 2 2022

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About krunchnik

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    Range Armorer-now retired


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig Sauer P365X
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Kimber Ultra Carry II

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  1. Governor Bill Lee-Marsha Blackburn and Bill Haggerty had a lot to do with stopping the Feds also- So remember if they are your Senators help them stay in office-
  2. In my honest opinion-most judges shouldn't preside over a pie eating contest- Do not even allow them to judge the fairs best pig or guernsey- Most of them are even poor judges of character content- So what makes them so special-and I care less how many years they schooled at law- They are only men and men make mistakes all the time- And I don't understand fully how a judge can rule against the State Law-and don't give me this crap about they only interpret the law as written-
  3. He is looking for Win 22 Auto-a completely different round than standard 22LR-
  4. I see where some are using lube for pistols- I never have and use nothing but carbide dies for pistol reloading-
  5. They are all working now-server glitch on one of the largest forums providers-
  6. I was trying to log onto a few of my other forums tonight(8/29/2024) and none of them are online- I know that most of them are hosted and owned by a Canadian firm-but none are working- Strange I think!!
  7. Hard to stay out of Shelby when a persons house is there-
  8. I live very near Memphis and can say without a doubt that it is totally run by Democrats- They still like other cities haven't figured out that putting and keeping violent criminals in jail will help- Instead like most Democrats they just always blame the gun- What a complete set of tools these idiots are-
  9. I forgot to add-I recently purchased a Ruger SFAR which is an AR15 size but in .308- They also do not stake the castle nut-
  10. All of mine are not staked or lock tited- I have not had one back off yet- When I worked at the old Range USA we had 3 AR's that got frequent use and by frequent I mean daily and I did not stake any of those either-
  11. Yup-And who exactly did they save from the big bad gun company-no one- Those non serial number frames were all just getting up and killing people left and right- It's too bad these ignorant anti gunners don't actually put their money behind a cause that actually would save lives-like the Fentanyl problem-that actually kills thousands a year-
  12. Most all manufacturers make it so you can remove the cylinder- You have to remove a screw and a detent mostly-


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