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What was Kyle Busch thinking?

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Guest gunslinger707
I just wish they would go back to STOCK car racing pretty much.

! agree go back to race it on sunday sell it in the show room on monday !!

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Guest eyebedam

Nascar car should fine him for being so Stupid. Call it excessive celebrating or bad sportsmanship or just plain dumbssary. Gibson Should make a little stink of it also.

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From the 1979 Daytona 500 that was the first flag to flag broadcast of a NASCAR race on TV till now, NASCAR has been about money. There was still some good racing after '79 but it was a slow progression to get from there to now. In the last 10 years that progression has really picked up speed and the fans have now been completely sold out by NASCAR and the France family. The old days were "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday" are long gone, never to be seen again. Car are generic with the exception of the front bumper.

I used to be a huge NASCAR fan and on '96 went to 10 races. Now all I go to is the two Bristol weekends, not because the racing is that good but for the weekend experience. We have a group from all over the eastern US that have been camping together in the same place and it is more of a family reunion now. I would probably go even if I didn't go to the races.

If I could ask Brian France one question it would be:

"Brian, I know that it takes money to run NASCAR but you have sold out the fans for money and I would like to know when is enough going to be enough?"

Oh yeah Kyle Bush is a prick!

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the fans have now been completely sold out by NASCAR and the France family.

The fans are the only thing being sold out by NASCAR. There has not been one single sellout of tickets this year. not even the Daytona 500 or the spring Bristol race. If you get to see it today watch for camera angles that show the Pocono grandstand.

I would be suprised if they are 75% sold

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Guest Jcochran88

I personally like Kyle. He reminds me of another driver that didn't really care what you think. He is there to win and that's it. If you had watched the pre race interview he said if he won he was going to smash the trophy so that all his pit crew could have a piece.

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Guest blackbeltchick

I started watching nascar with my husband long ago and I would always want the driver of the car my husband was going for to win. Then he told me to pick my own car/driver so it would be more interesting for us to watch. I picked Kyle. After so many races and watching him do some of the things he has done I'm no longer a Kyle fan. I think anyone destroying a trophy that his team worked so hard to win is showing disrespect no matter what it is. And as far as him saying he wanted to give his team each a piece of the trophy I think he could of sold it and shared the money instead. They could of used money more than broken pieces of a beautiful Les paul.

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The fans are the only thing being sold out by NASCAR. There has not been one single sellout of tickets this year. not even the Daytona 500 or the spring Bristol race. If you get to see it today watch for camera angles that show the Pocono grandstand.

I would be surprised if they are 75% sold

I was at the spring Bristol race and it was announced to be a complete sellout but there were the normal amount of seats open that there usually are. As long as there are not tickets in the box office it's a sellout. It has been years since the tickets on the street were scarce. there are always tickets available on the street.

I've heard that tracks have started a new strategy. Instead of the sections that are all blue or all red seats they are starting to paint them mulitcolored so that it looks like fans in their colored T-shirts and it won't show up as bad on TV as it does when all of the seats are the same color.

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He just said on interview today that he had spoken to the gibson reps and they where ok with what he did.

Yea because he said he was going to buy two more from the guy who painted the one he smashed to pieces. Sounds like he knows what he did was wrong. Just confirms he is an asshat :).

-Jason G

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Guest JLowe

I grew up on NASCAR. I remember watching it on Sundays after church with my Dad. Its not the same anymore. After Dale died, I didn't watch it for a year or 2, but I started back. Now, I have no interest in it anymore. The cars are all the same, no manufacturer different than the other, only the engines and stickers. They have commercialized racing so much that they have driven off their true fan base. Its not the economy that not filling the stands, its the cardboard box that they've put it in.

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Guest GhostHunter

What an a**h*le!! I have never liked the arrogant SOB and this didn't improve my feelings toward him. He needs to be banned from racing at Nashville!!

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Guest JLowe

Oh yeah, I forgot to add.


He doesn't respect any of the history of racing or the fans. Destroying a one of one Custom Gibson, thats deserves a as* whipping. Where's Jimmy Spencer to set him straight like he did his brother when you need him?

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