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FN FiveSeven


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I have one (along with a PS90) and really enjoy both. A lot of people poopoo on the guns, but I enjoy different guns, and both of these are.

The pistol, for instance, has a huge capacity, is very accurate, and has very little recoil. I shoot it regularly out to 25 yards and it's really dead on. On a rest, you can shoot it accurately to farther than that.

Two warnings: the muzzle flash is nearly blinding at night, and the extracted cartridges hurt. :D

It's not a personal defense weapon for me (although it's easy to carry that way and I have a good holster for it), but it's a real hoot to own and shoot. It's very well made, too.

If you ever want to meet me at the range some time, you're welcome to shoot it.

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Guest TUNER260

I have one too and i love it also. I got mine at guns and leather they were a little cheaper than most other places i had seen them at.

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Guest Rem_700

I bought one around xmas time last year from BPS for $929 on sale.It was a cool gun to shoot and no complaints,was very reliable,but from a practical stand point,it wasn't! Its a great plinker/target gun,very accurate and no recoil,love the 20rnd mags.But I ended up selling it and buying something that I could/would actually carry.IMO I wouldn't reccomend buying one,because I think that its just a novelty item that you think you need,but once the novelty wears off,it becomes a safe queen. Just my 2 cents.

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Thanks guys for the input, and for the link to a previous discussion here. Still havent made up my mind yet, but Im a ways off til I can afford my next gun anyways...but I like to pick my next one out way in advance so that my lusting after it motivates me to hurry up and afford it, lol.

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