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Found a new time killer game

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on the tabs near the top, click on city instead of town, there will be some building spots, get started on the farms, sawmills, quarries, and ironmines. they are what gives you resources and you need ALOT of them.

also build and upgrade the cottages as the more population you have, the more gold you get from taxes.

i havent made the TGO alliance yet, it costs 10,000 gold to make a new alliance.

look for the quests button on the lower left of your screen, it is a great guideline.

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All I have done is built a cottage, upgraded it and am now upgrading the town hall. Guess I'll look to do an embassy soon.

I also tried to go to the coordinates for Coldblackwind but he's not there.

Again, does it make a difference which server your on and if so, can you change it? I do have a newbie option package that will allow me to move my city once.

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All I have done is built a cottage, upgraded it and am now upgrading the town hall. Guess I'll look to do an embassy soon.

I also tried to go to the coordinates for Coldblackwind but he's not there.

Again, does it make a difference which server your on and if so, can you change it? I do have a newbie option package that will allow me to move my city once.

Players that are on different servers can't interact or see each other.

Since you just started, I would probably restart on Server 27 and create your city in the Romagna area.

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Guest coldblackwind

Bwah ha ha ha ha, I am amassing my army for world domination! I hold 3 valleys! Bow down before me! Apparently I'm a mercenary too, I joined an alliance in exchange for a getting a valley without a fight :screwy:. Cheap mercenary at that, it was level 1, and they guy I got it from I think I could have taken...I feel cheated.

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