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THP Trooper goes off on 18yo for speeding

Guest sammopar

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Guest HexHead

You mean the common criminal correct? That is a BS statement if I ever heard one. I guess the millions of incidents where cops save lives that just don't make the nightly news are all bad incidents huh?

No, remember the mantra, "anything you say can and will be used against you.". Nothing you say to an officer will be used to help you in a court of law. Innocent people get jacked up too. There's a thread on THR about a guy in Ohio that got jacked outside his g/f's apt by some cops. He was a permit holder that did nothing wrong, but they were determined to find something, anything to charge him with. They finally jacked him on a bogus "failure to notify" charge claiming he didn't notify them he had a gun in his car (and he wasn't in the car at the time) for 51 seconds, when the first cop wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise. Go check it out, it's in the legal section.

Or how about the guy in Shreveport, LA that was detained and disarmed by an officer, again he was standing behind his pick up truck and the gun was inside his truck which the officer illegally seized, he was pulled over because he had bumper stickers on his truck like his USMC sticker, a flag, NRA sticker and a sticker showing several caliber rounds on it. After he asked the cop why he was stopped 6x, he was told "unsafe lane change", but the cop the whole time was asking him where he'd been, where he was going, why was he going there etc etc. When he complained to the chief he was told to file a complaint. When he spoke to the Mayor, and he recorded the call (and I heard the recording) , he was told "Your rights are suspended when you are stopped by a police officer." Go listen to Tom Gresham's Gun Talk from a couple of weeks ago if you'd like to hear it for yourself.

So it's not just a few isolated incidents like you claim. This :rolleyes: is happening everywhere. And you can either be sheep and accept it, or be like me.

How about that internal memo that Channel 5 got a couple of weeks ago showing that the THP does indeed have a quota for tickets if officers want to get good performance reviews and qualify for overtime?

And when was the last time, lets say Metro's, cops "saved" someone? They always show up after the fact to try and figure out what happened.

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wow, its getting pretty deep in here.

there are some bad apples in every bunch. this guy is obviously one of them. but all cops are not bad. and the good ones are not that hard to interact with, that is unless you are being a jackazz to start with.

i am not in anyway involved with law enforcement but they have the utmost respect from me for many reasons. cops do the job most of us dont want to do yet sopme of us bash on them for it everyday. its just like punisher said, the bad incidents arent getting more common, they are just being made knowledge to more people. if it werent for the internet, how the hell would a tennessean know OR CARE what goes on in louisana or ohio or where ever.

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You know this guy is a dick, but it amazes me how people can still come to the conclusion like you do above Hex.

There are hundreds of thousands of cops in this country, there are a few bad ones in the group, just like their are idiot permit holders and gun owners. Some of them post on this forum.

How many of you sit on here and advocate breaking the law, but then are so quick to judge the police for their actions?

This guy deserves to be off the streets for certain, but quit trying to paint EVERY cop with a broad brush. They do a job most of you would never dream of doing nor have the balls to probably do. It doesn't make it right when they do things wrong and they are NOT above the law, but just because people have an issue with authority doesn't mean everyone who wears a uniform is a nazi.

Just where did he paint EVERY cop with a broad brush?

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

A paramedic friend of mine in Oklahoma sent me this:

Oklahoma Highway Patrol vs EMT, Full Dash Cam Video on May 24th

I wonder if these Troopers are cousins? :rolleyes:

nightrunner, You might not CARE what goes on outside of your front yard but I bet a lot of folks care what goes on in this country, or wherever.

wow, its getting pretty deep in here.

...if it werent for the internet, how the hell would a tennessean know OR CARE what goes on in louisana or ohio or where ever.

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A paramedic friend of mine in Oklahoma sent me this:

Oklahoma Highway Patrol vs EMT, Full Dash Cam Video on May 24th

I wonder if these Troopers are cousins? :rolleyes:

nightrunner, You might not CARE what goes on outside of your front yard but I bet a lot of folks care what goes on in this country, or wherever.

What was the BS about "helping the county out?"

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Guest mikedwood

It seems to me that both of these officers had some kind of outside stress going on that led them to act this way.

I think the Oklahoma officer showed remarkable restraint in not pulling his gun on the paramedics.

As I'm sure most of you are aware, cop bashing isn't taken too lightly on this board.

How did I do?

Edited by mikedwood
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Guest bkelm18
It seems to me that both of these officers had some kind of outside stress going on that led them to act this way.

How did I do?

Spoken like a true future Oak Ridge Mayor. :rolleyes:

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Just where did he paint EVERY cop with a broad brush?

I'd say oh...right around here:

Yeah, I'll judge cops for their actions, they're the ones supposed to be upholding the laws, yet they're just as likely to break them as anyone else. I think it's ridiculous that off-duty or retired cops get a free pass to carry anywhere when as a group they haven't shown themselves to be any more law abiding than a permit holder.

Yeah, there are some officers that act professionally and with courtesy, but they are getting fewer and further between. For the average person these days, nothing good will ever come from any interaction with a police officer.

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I'd say oh...right around here:


Yeah, I'll judge cops for their actions, they're the ones supposed to be upholding the laws, yet they're just as likely to break them as anyone else. I think it's ridiculous that off-duty or retired cops get a free pass to carry anywhere when as a group they haven't shown themselves to be any more law abiding than a permit holder.

Yeah, there are some officers that act professionally and with courtesy, but they are getting fewer and further between. For the average person these days, nothing good will ever come from any interaction with a police officer.

I'd challenge you to dispute anything he said.

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I'd challenge you to dispute anything he said.

Challenge accepted.

Yeah, I'll judge cops for their actions, they're the ones supposed to be upholding the laws, yet they're just as likely to break them as anyone else. I think it's ridiculous that off-duty or retired cops get a free pass to carry anywhere when as a group they haven't shown themselves to be any more law abiding than a permit holder.

Yeah, there are some officers that act professionally and with courtesy, but they are getting fewer and further between. For the average person these days, nothing good will ever come from any interaction with a police officer.

For starters it is true police officers are supposed to uphold the law, but I don't believe they are MORE likely than anyone else to break the law. The majority of people who go in to law enforcement do so out of a desire to prevent crime and maintain or help build their city/county's future. A select few may turn to corruption because, as human beings, we are prone to bad judgement and are fallible creatures.

Now, to say that nothing good will EVER come out of ANY interaction with an LEO is asinine, irresponsible, prejudicial, and purely argumentative. Police officers can and do save lives. They also help put people that cause pain and suffering to others behind bars. So that last comment Hex made is completely without merit and simply an opinion of someone with obvious issues with authority.

I could just as easily say that no person will ever have a good interaction with a permit holder based off of 99% of this forum's user's posts simply because of the nature in which we tend to argue and blow up at each other instead of having a civil debate. Maybe that is something everyone here should chew on for awhile considering the attention this forum has received the past few months.

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Ok....this thread has long since drifted from the orginal topic.

The last few post seem to be rehashing some of the same old stuff when it comes to these type things.

So as to prevent it from going any further....I think it is time to go ahead and close it now.

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This topic is now closed to further replies.


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