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Summit Hospital

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I'm sitting up @ Summit (mom's in for the upper/lower GI combo package). I noticed their signage. All it reads is "Unauthorized weapons prohibited" on the door I came in at 6:45 this morning.

According to the state of Tennessee...I'm "authorized" to carry a weapon...hummmmm.

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Got a similar thing when I went into Vandy Children's Hospital emergency room. I asked the overweight, older lady guard about it and she said they would keep my gun in Vandy PD till I left. I had left it in the car anyway. Much safer that way!:P

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Guest bulletproof

What wanks me is that some buildings will have a correctly worded posting on the main entrance but nothing on the other 10 or 12 entrances into the building which are probably used more than the main entrance.

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I am not sure but if Vandy is a "teaching" hospital and affiliated with Vanderbilt University wouldn't it be an off limits regardless of the signage?

P.S. Test you knowledge here:


Quiz - Tennessee Gun Laws

That answer was not correct.

The correct answer to:

Are background checks required at gun shows?



Improperly quoted question. Dealers do in fact perform background checks at shows, but a private sale to a guy at a booth or someone walking down the aisle does not require a background check.

I'll e-mail them so they can rephrase the question ;)

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Guest Kingfish
I'm sitting up @ Summit (mom's in for the upper/lower GI combo package). I noticed their signage. All it reads is "Unauthorized weapons prohibited" on the door I came in at 6:45 this morning.

According to the state of Tennessee...I'm "authorized" to carry a weapon...hummmmm.

That is not the authorization they are talking about. Either way, it is not unlawful to carry there, but they also have the right to kick you out.

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That is not the authorization they are talking about. Either way, it is not unlawful to carry there, but they also have the right to kick you out.

If this is on a college campus, it is illegal to carry there according to TN Code 39-17-1309. Carrying weapons on school property. —

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>(:taser: (1) It is an offense for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, with the intent to go armed, any firearm, explosive, explosive weapon, bowie knife, hawk bill knife, ice pick, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, knuckles or any other weapon of like kind, not used solely for instructional or school-sanctioned ceremonial purposes, in any public or private school building or bus, on any public or private school campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic field or any other property owned, used or operated by any board of education, school, college or university board of trustees, regents or directors for the administration of any public or private educational institution.

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</td> <td> (2) A violation of this subsection (:stir: is a Class E felony.


You want to do it, fine, I think it is a dumb law. Just don't get upset if you have your weapon and your permit taken away from you.

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Guest EasilyObsessed
If this is on a college campus, it is illegal to carry there according to TN Code 39-17-1309. Carrying weapons on school property. —

You want to do it, fine, I think it is a dumb law. Just don't get upset if you have your weapon and your permit taken away from you.

As it appears the law is written, it is only an offense if it is "with the intent to go armed". I wonder if that would apply to leaving a handgun locked in your glovebox in your vehicle? I currently dont even keep my handgun in the car, but based on the way the law is worded, it doesnt sound like that should be a concern.

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Guest Kingfish
If this is on a college campus, it is illegal to carry there

Let's go with the assumption he was just talking about a hospital, shall we.

I don't think anyone was saying you can carry on a college campus, but a hospital is fair game unless located on government property, is or contains a school, or is withing the grounds of a school, serves alcohol, is inside a park, or is properly posted...Did I leave anything out?

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Guest EasilyObsessed
Kingfish, in a previous post it was stated that these hospital buildings are considered part of the Vanderbilt Campus. There for, it is illegal to carry there.

I think the original post was in regards to Summit Medical Center which is owned and operated by HCA, so that hospital specifically is not an education institution.

The discussion got sidetracked in regards to Vanderbilt.

Although, I do wonder how the university standard applies to a hospital such as Baptist, which is a community hospital, and although not actually a university, it is a teaching hospital (or at least I know the residents in my department do a portion of their residency there).

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Guest Kingfish
Kingfish, in a previous post it was stated that these hospital buildings are considered part of the Vanderbilt Campus. There for, it is illegal to carry there.

I am so sorry for responding to the original poster. In the future, I will only respond to hijackers. :D

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I do not know if this will help but as of about a year ago all of HCA's hospitals started have having classes for x-ray techs and other positions that you need a certificate to work in.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


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