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Minimum Gun Skills

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Will someone explain what "Fire from Retention" means.

It means, in my terminology, holding the gun close to you, like at the waist, and firing. The idea is to keep it as close in as possible so it can't be taken away in ECQB.

No, our lists are not identitical. When I write "reload" I dont mean under pressure. I mean simply knowing how to load and unload the gun.

I consider reloading under pressure a definitely secondary skill. It seldom seldom happens in real life. And if you have a malfunction that requires a reload you're probably dead anyway.

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The fun part about arguing the same things over and over is we don't have to think up new arguments...

In a few years, we'll be really good at this.

You make a good point. If you go to enough gun boards you see pretty much the same issues debated in pretty much the same terms.

I suspect the reason is that handguns havent changed all that much in 100 years.

I had a SWAT officer in the shop yesterday and he told me about a demo the dept did featuring Dave Sevigny. I asked what Sevigny recommended and he said there wasnt really a whole lot different, basically a few drills.

I commented there wasnt going to be a lot since the "modern technique" was already 50 years old and there are only so many ways you can hold and shoot a handgun.

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Guest Phantom6
I gotta say, I agree with both Cool Hand Luke and Rabbi (because deep down, their positions aren't that different). A gun carrier should be able to:

1) Draw their gun from concealment.

2) Fire from retention.

3) Hit an 8" target at 7 yards / 21 feet, in a reasonable amount of time. Hitting the square by aiming for 5 minutes isn't going to win a gun fight.

4) Clear any malfunctions in a timely manner. Murphy is a jerk, he'll mess up your day when you least want him to do so.

5) Reload their gun in a timely fashion. Just because the majority of fights are short doesn't mean they all are over quickly. This becomes especially important when carrying a gun with a lower ammo capacity (5-shot wheel gun).

If you are handicapped and clearing or reloading in a timely manner is not a possibility, carry a second pistol. I can clear and reload rapidly and still carry at least one extra. Relatively speaking they are cheap. With two back ups I still have less than $600 invested and that's still cheaper than even the least expensive funeral (direct cremation and storage in or scattering from a cardboard box).

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