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legal in tn

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Long story short a co worker of mine said someone told him that hollow points were illegal in TN. I told him no that they were not and he acted like he was not sure. So I tried to find something on the et but cant. Anyone know where a site with ammo laws on it?

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Long story short a co worker of mine said someone told him that hollow points were illegal in TN. I told him no that they were not and he acted like he was not sure. So I tried to find something on the et but cant. Anyone know where a site with ammo laws on it?

Don't know of site with "ammo laws" specifically, but I assure you that hollowpoint ammo is legal in TN.

Matter of fact, New Jersey is the only state I know of that has limitations on hollowpoint use.

- OS

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said someone told him that hollow points were illegal in TN.

where do people get this stuff from? I don't mean the ammo I mean the blatantly wrong information. Hollow point ammo is virtually available everywhere ammo is sold. It is the most common round carried for self defense. if it was illegal I would be potentially guilty of several hundred counts of possession.

Your buddy is very wrong.

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Had so called "expert" at a gun shop lecture me on the illegality of loading FMJ rounds in a carry gun. Said I was " setting myself up for an unwinnable law suit by using FMJ in a .380" . The funny part is I never mentioned using ball rounds in my carry gun, just wanted to pop off a few rounds at the range. I guess he just wanted to make more $$$ on the JHP stuff. Needless to say I haven't been back to his shop. As mentioned above the world is full of squirelly people with nutty ideas, unfourtunately a lot of them seem to try and pass themselves off as "experts".

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Don't know of site with "ammo laws" specifically, but I assure you that hollowpoint ammo is legal in TN.

Matter of fact, New Jersey is the only state I know of that has limitations on hollowpoint use.

- OS

Yup. 4 years in jail.Jersey really, really, stinks.

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Guest bkelm18
We have to follow the Geneva convention here?

Ahem.... it's not the Geneva Convention that ban hollowpoints. It's the Hague Convention of 1899. :D

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Ahem.... it's not the Geneva Convention that ban hollowpoints. It's the Hague Convention of 1899. :D

Whatever, I don't follow either one. Where's my can of orange spray paint, I know its around here somewhere...

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My son is constantly calling me with questions about something one of his buddies told him,99.9% of the time they are totally wrong.I dont think that people keep up on the laws like those of us that have legal permits do,thats probably why we are legal to begin with,it all starts with the correct knowledge and not hearsay.

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