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How many of y'all own snow shovels?

Guest Jamie

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I will believe it when I see it.

Yeah, I know what you mean...

I figured, when they first started talking this crap, that it would be another "all or nothing" deal, where we either didn't get squat, or we got buried.

And I was counting on squat.

However, given what I'm seeing on the local radar, the weather channel, and that hazy ring around the full moon, with it only being 30 degrees outside... I'm about convinced this is one of those times when we're gonna get seriously hammered. :up:


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I'll probably make a beer run tonight. I'll be working from home just so I don't have to drive in it with the "I got a 4 wheel drive so the laws of physics no longer apply to me" set.

And that's why my happy butt is gonna sit at home if there is any amount of snow over 1" or so.

I grew up in IL and am no stranger to snow, but people around here just freak out at the first sign of a snow flake. It's like everyone thinks they're going to be snowed in for a week or two straight!

Oh, and at the first sign of a snow flake falling to the earth everyone suddenly forgets how to drive.

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Oh, and at the first sign of a snow flake falling to the earth everyone suddenly forgets how to drive.

You're giving them credit for ever knowing how to drive to begin with... :up:


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93? Got 1in. of ice, with 26in. of snow on top. Power off 2 weeks!! yeah, I remember. I'm planning on at least a foot, got plenty of food, 2 cases of San Migel, propane for grill, and cookstove, 10 gal. of water. If powers out no water (wellpump) got a camping "throne" and those chemical bags. Kero heater, I'm set.

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Quickly, everybody. Before power goes out. If I jug twenty gallons of water, how long will it be good as-is with no purifying?

Depends on where you get the water from.... and what was in the jugs before you added the water. :D


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Me too... Houston. Feels niiiice.

Getting home is going to be the slipery part.

That's no problem for me. I'm here until next week.

The rain we've had in Ft Worth today is the storm headed for TN. Thunder and lightning and HEAVY rain since mid morning. The concrete "rivers" are rushing several feet deep. If the storm intensity continues and it drops below freezing, it could be ugly in TN. The temperature here today was well above freezing but there were still numerous accidents resulting from the heavy rain. It took me about 45 minutes to travel about 4 miles to my hotel. They're calling for ice in the morning. Glad I'm driving a rental car and not my own.

Be safe everyone. I know all of us here at TGO are excellent drivers but the crazies will be out seeking bread and milk. I've never experienced the bread and milk with snow craving but it's apparently quite strong in some people. I can only speculate but it must be like wanting beer on a hot day?

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I arrived in TN in the fall of 1993, the ice storm we all recall I believe was actually in Feb of 04.

All of downtown Jackson was without power except the one motel than I was living in. So I was fine except having to go to work and help clear yards and having six foot stalactite ice spears falling around me. I swore if it ever happened again I would be gone like the wind.

I met my wife later in 94 and she was supporting and living with her sis and BIL in a huge old home with 5 yes 5 gas fireplaces.

We were sitting and talking one night and they were telling me how bad it had been for them without power and that I had been lucky to have been living where I was which I agreed with.

It took awhile but I finally realized that these people had went without hot food for over a week....never once thinking to use the darn gas fireplace to cook on:screwy::P:screwy: That was just the beginning of me learning how not so smart my future BIL was:D:D:D

They had stayed warm using the fireplaces but never once thought about turning one of them into a grill:rolleyes::up::rolleyes:

Anyway the talk of the ice storm reminded me of this and made me laugh. What isnt so funny is that my old bones and joints have been telling me all day that this is NOT A DRILL.

Groceries are stocked pretty well with the last run today.....we dont have no gas fireplaces here but I do have a gas grill.....we shall eat and it shall be hot. For how long is the only question.

Oh the question a snow shovel.....Nope, Jackson most always gets the freezing rain and if it snows I aint going no where except the indoor range 4/10 of a mile from here:D

In the bed and at the range all weekend sounds just dandy to me, throw in couple meaningless football games and I am all set...No shovel required....or so I hope:rolleyes:

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Guest jackdm3

My idiot neighbors:

#1 to my left is selling her house which she doesn't live in. First week of January I'm raking leaves near her house and I hear sssssssssss. Go to her foundation vents to hear SSSSSSSSSS. Go back to my house for a flashlight. Some parts of her crawl space are 8" to 10" of water from her unheated, frozen pipes. I get the meter tool and shut her down. Call her to tell her to expect to see a very large water bill this month as it was spewing full blast for a week. She said she would come to get it fixed. Haven't seen her in 3 weeks. Don't blame her though since she may get it fixed and develope another one soon.

#2 to my right has a house that is gutted and he's tinkered with it rarely for 13 years. A few years ago I heard a hiss and found that his back yard hose spigot cracked just inside the brick wall. Shut it off for him. This time the freeze happened same time as the lady next door, only he has three ventilations alongside our house, but they have dampers you shut to keep the cold out in winter. So we couldn't hear it so well. I go get my flashlight and find the usual. 8" to 10" of water, but more impressive here: I can see across the entire bottom of the floors of his house. There is a beautiful cascade falling evenly from every available crack throughout the whole house. His leak was above the floor, like from the kitchen sink and it flooded the entire house! I delighted in calling him about it because my wife said, "Good! Maybe he'll fix it and live in it or sell it." Called him and found that he was in Alabama and didn't seem to be in a hurry since I shut his off, which was nearly impossible since the shut-off valve hadn't been exercised and was near frozen. His water bill for a house running full-bore for two weeks? I want to see that bill myself.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
Nope, we're talk'n about the storm in April of 93!!!

Your post made me start wondering when the heck I DID move here???, I am old and easy to confuse:D, however.....

I missed the one of 93 but was here for the one of Feb 94 I was told then that it was the worst ever?....I didnt even realize there had been one the preceding year:eek:.

At any rate ONE is plenty enough for this TN born mostly FL raised old man. I have no desire to experience another. I had power and no wife or kids to worry about for the first one, Now I have all those to worry about and live on a grid that seems to be the first to go out around here.

Please no more ICE STORMS......let it bury the cars in snow but please no more ICE!

NNDC: Home Page

February Ice Storm (February 9-13, 1994)

  • The ice storm which struck the Southeast in February 1994 resulted from a typical icing scenario: a quasi-stationary front with overrunning moisture producing freezing precipitation in colder air near the surface to the north of the front. However, this storm was very unusual in 2 respects: 1) Its areal extent was much greater than usually found in ice storms, and 2) The precipitation amounts were much higher than usually found in ice storm situations, with some amounts exceeding 5 inches for the event.
    Tennessee: A large portion of TN was affected by the storm, with overall destruction ranking second behind MS. Many locations experienced over 5 inches of rainfall, thereby creating flooding problems in addition to the icing. Shelbyville reported 7.78 inches--the maximum for the event. About 770,000 customers lost power for some period of time, with nearly a month required to restore all of the outages. There was one traffic fatality attributed to the storm when a tree fell on a moving car. Total damages/costs were placed at nearly $500 million.

The thing I remember most about it was that the day before it started or maybe the day before that, I had actually removed my shirt while working outside and was soaking up a little warm sunshine, My dumb butt thought winter was over:rolleyes:.....remember I was new to TN and I know better now than to count on anything.:D

I also remember it snowing in Apr of 2004 on my already bloomed flower bed.....got some killer pics of the flowers covered in snow but most of them survived as it disapeared quick.

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