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Inventory Software


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Is anyone aware of a good gun inventory program? I'm familiar with Excel, Access, Word, paper, etc, just too lazy to use those. I also found this thread: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/4725-firearms-inventory-software.html but it is two years old. While it has good information, I'm just wondering if there is anything newer out there. Know of anything? Thanks

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Guest Catdaddy

I use a program called Gunsafe. While it does not contain the Blue Book, or pictures, it is free. Pictures I store separately.


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Guest colrmccoll

I use a free program call KeePass for all inventory type issues. I use it as a password file, credit card number manager, serial numbers of camera and firearms, computers, and hard drives.

I even use it to keep track of watch batteries I need next time the watch craps out.

It requires a master PW and encrypts the entire file.

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I use a program called Gunsafe. While it does not contain the Blue Book, or pictures, it is free. Pictures I store separately.


I use this and It does allow pictures. I have everything tracked in this software including my ammo. No blue book but you can add your cost and current value as well as pictures.

it'll even record sales. been using it for several years now.


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Just want to use it for personal use. I'd like to keep up with gun info, accessories, ammo, load info, values, pictures, etc.

I dislike everything i've found so far enough to say I'll write my own program. I know MS Access will do the job, but what knowledge I use to have of Access has diminished as newer versions have come out. Also, my desire to relearn it has diminished with age.

Most everything I find is several years old and appears to be unsupported and/or was not written for Windows 7.

Life is hard when you're picky AND lazy!

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